This is a multipart message in MIME format. ——=_NextPart_000_016B_01DAAAA2.D0148300 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii” Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit People think “icy” is the easiest word to spell. Come to think of it, I see why. I wonder if this pool is safe for diving? Guess it deep ends. Found a pencil with erasers on…
05/18/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Help Yourself To Happiness
Difficult because we think that ha= ppiness is foundonly in the pl= aces where wealth and fame abound. And so we go on searching in palaces of ple= asure,seeking recognition and = monetary treasure, Unaware that happiness is just a state of mind within the reach of everyone who takes…
05/17/24 Grif.Net – Additive
A tough old cowboy from Texas counseled his granddaughter that = if she wanted to live a long life, the secret was to sprinkle a pinch of gu= n powder on her oatmeal every morning. T= he granddaughter did this religiously until the age of 103, when she died l=…
05/16/24 Grif.Net – God is Watching
Between Sunday School and Morning Worship at our church, the el= der’s wife would put out “snacks” for the children (while= the adults sought out the coffee urn in hopes of staying awake for the pre= aching). Each child was to take an orange and a cookie. A little…
05/15/24 Grif.Net – Dance + Answers to Baseball Quotation Quiz
For the spring prom school dance, a shy boy asked out the girl = he liked. To get flowers for her, he had to stand in a line outside the florist = for an hour. To make things worse, he had to wait another hour in a line…
05/14/24 Grif.Net – Baseball Quotation Quiz
It is mid-May and Major League Baseball season is in full swing= =2E Someone may need to tell the White Sox or Rockies or Angels they = can start playing any time now. = Here are so= me quotations by baseball players/managers and you must step up to the plat=…
05/13/24 Grif.Net – Missing
A food critic visited a local restaurant to review its food for= the town magazine. The owner welcomed him and showed him to the table. The food= was presented to him and after a while, the critic called the owner to say= that there is something missing in his…
05/11/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Monthly Motivation
[Each month we take time to encourage and inspire our blog read= ers to greater achievement and aspiration.] “I may not be wher= e I want to be, but if I stop now, I’ll NEVER get where I’m going!”~ Laura Lynch “If your failure is not a lesson, it’s indeed…
05/10/24 Grif.Net – Revelation
Tim and Janet decided to tie the knot. One evening, after the h= oneymoon, he was in the garage organizing his golfing equipment. His bride = was standing nearby watching him. After a long period of silence, she final= ly said, "Tim, I’ve been thinking, now that we’re married maybe…
05/09/24 Grif.Net – Chicken Chatter
[You may use this as a QUIZ with family around the table, = talking about the meaning of our “favorite sayings about chickensR= 21; and what we learn from those birds. Call it “Chicken Chatte= r”. I’ll start.]  = ; Grandma is no spring chicken. If I men= tion…
05/08/24 Grif.Net – Spelling
One lovely spring day Shawn went to see Carl. Carl had a big sw= ollen nose. “Whoa, what happened, = Carl?”, Shawn asked. “I snif= fed a brose,” Carl replied.  = ; “What?”, Shawn said. “There&#= 8217;s no ‘b’ in rose!” Carl replied, “There was in this one!” ~~…
05/07/24 Grif.Net – New Book
As we were reading last night, I asked my wife if she was enjoy= ing the library book we’d picked up. “Oh, yes, dear!= 221; was her enthusiastic reply. = = “What’s it about?” I wondered = aloud. “It is a wonderful novel about a woman my age who…
05/06/24 Grif.Net -Have You Heard?
HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT the safe that was invented by a cop and ro= bber team? It was quite a combination. = HAVE YOU HE= ARD ABOUT the skeleton that was a bad liar? You could see right through it.  = ; HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT the crime in…