
05/21/11 Weekend Grif.Net – Jesus is Coming!

05/21/11 Weekend Grif.Net – Jesus is Coming!

A joke making it around the ‘net relates that the Pope is working in his
office one day when a very excited priest comes rushing down the hall, robes

“Padre! Padre! I have news!” the priest pants as he skids into the room.

The Pope looks up patiently from his work and asks, “What is your news,

“I’ve been listening to an American preacher and he said Jesus is coming
back at six o’clock TODAY! What should we do? What should we do?”

The Pope smiles and picks up a pile of papers and a pen and answers, “Look

[chuckle or groan]

Real sad thing is what this false teacher is doing – bringing reproach on
prophetic truth of Scripture (that DOES speak of Jesus returning to earth,
the awful physical judgment that will occur for some years, then the reign
of Jesus over all the planet for one thousand years) as people now pass
God’s promise off as myth. But for impudent man to say it will be at XX
o’clock on XX day is not laughable; it’s tragic.

When it does not happen today, many will mock Scripture and scoff at the
promise of His coming. This attitude, too, is prophesied. (Second Epistle
of St Peter, chapter 3) And man will continue trying to do good, trying to
earn points, trying to get to heaven by being religious, all the while
remaining an enemy of God.

Jesus spoke of His kingdom over the earth and of the eventual destruction of
the universe. He said the first part of His return would be secret (like a
thief in the night), returning for His own in an event called the “rapture”
of His bride. But to ward off any speculation He reminded His disciples
(Gospel according to St Matthew, chapter 24) “But concerning the exact day
or hour NO MAN KNOWS, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son Himself, just
God the Father.”

The day Jesus returns COULD be today. Or tomorrow. Or ten thousand years
from now. But He IS coming for sure. For most of us, we will die before
that day. Obviously it behooves us to be ready BEFORE that day. After we
die or after He comes, it is eternally too late.

God calls on man to repent of sin and believe the Gospel (that Jesus, God’s
Son, took my sin on the cross and bought my salvation). Many will stare
Jesus in the face in the last day as JUDGE because they would not bow to Him
today as SAVIOR. Don’t let the ranting of a sad caricature of a radio
preacher bother you; instead, focus on the real issue – your personal need
to throw aside your “religion” or good works, and come into a “relationship”
with Jesus with trust solely in Him.

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”