Awoke today and thought this is a BAD day because my waterbe= d had sprung a leak. Then I thought it was going to be worse since I = don’t own a waterbed. But as today marks "77" for th= e founder of the Grif.Net, I have decided to quietly…
03/13/25 Grif.Net – As We Age
Here is a REALITY CHECK for those who cannot stop the hands on = the clock of time and celebrates birthdays seemingly annually. None a= re original with me, but all endorsed by me this 77th birthday w= eek from personal experience. > Eventually, you will reach a point when…
03/12/25 Grif.Net – Attempt at Lame Computer Humor
Wh= at is a computer’s first sign of old age? Loss of memory. What does a baby computer call his father? Inst= ead of Da-da it says “Da-ta.” How do trees get on the Internet? They log in. What do computers like to eat? Chips. What…
03/11/25 Grif.Net – What’s Up with Up?
We thought we would lighten things up a bit th= is week. There is a two-letter word that perhaps has more meanings than any= other two-letter word, and that word is up. In a desk-sized di= ctionary, it takes up almost one-fourth of = the page and can add up to about thirty definitions. = It’s = easy to…
03/10/25 Grif.Net -Status Updates of my Friends
Kim E. boasted, “I got myself a seniors’ GPS. Not o= nly does it tell me how to get to my destination, t tells me why I wanted t= o go there.” Lindsay N. related, “I’m taking steps to overcome = my hiking addiction, but I’m not out of…
03/08/25 Weekend Grif.Net – Sweet & Aweful
[Each month in 2025, we wander down memory lane, repeating t= he Grif Net email/blog posts for an entire week from 25 years ago (March 20= 00).] How sweet and awe-full is the place with Christ within the doors,Whi= le everlasting love displays the choicest of her stores. While…
03/07/25 Grif.Net – Atheist
This is a multipart message in MIME format. ——=_NextPart_000_037A_01DB8F47.C3C047D0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii” Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit [Each month in 2025, we repeat the Grif Net email/blog posts for an entire week from 25 years ago – March 2000] In a suburban city school, a young woman teacher of obvious liberal tendencies explains…
03/06/25 Grif.Net – Wurst Pun of the Month
[This week we are repeating the Grif Net email/blog posts fr= om 25 years ago (March 2000). Groaned then; groan again.]= An old worn-out r= ope and a new young rope went into a restaurant for a bite to eat. The wait= ress said, "Sorry, we don’t serve…
03/05/25 Grif.Net – Revised Biblical Headlines
[Each month in 2025, we wander down memory lane, repeating t= he Grif Net email/blog posts for an entire week from 25 years ago (March 20= 00 for those mathematically challenged.) Remember this one?] REVISED BIBLIC= AL HEADLINES (if written by today’s liberal press) On Red Sea Crossin=…
03/04/25 Grif.Net – New Windows 2000
[Each month in 2025, we wander unsupervised down memory lane= , repeating the Grif Net email/blog posts for an entire week from 25 years = ago (March 2000). ERROR MESSAGES THAT MAY BE PLANNED FOR WINDOWS 2000: 1)= To continue, enter any 11-digit prime number. 2) Press…
03/03/25 Grif.Net – Unusual Facts
[Each month in 2025, we wander unsupervised down memory lane= , repeating the Grif Net email/blog posts for an entire week from 25 years = ago (from March 2000). I found out my attempt at humor has NOT gotten bette= r in passing years, but lots that were funny THEN…
03/01/25 Weekend Grif.Net – Monthly Motivation
[Monthly Motivation on the first Saturday of each month include= s thoughts and quotations to encourage our blog readers for your journey ah= ead. In March 2025, we have some famous words of wisdom from Vince Lombardi= , Rick Warren, Aristotle, Billy Graham, and . . . Bob Griffin?] "The…
02/28/25 Grif.Net – Creation v Evolution
An inquisitive child asked his father, "How did people beg= in on earth?" His father pulled out a Bible and started: "In the = beginning God created Adam and then Eve. They made babies, then their babie= s became adults and made babies, and so on." The child nodded in…