[This= was taken from an English as a Second Language (ESL) textbook. IR= 17;s thankful that I leart me gooder English at home and now no better.] Have you ever seen a sheet on a river bed?= Or a single hair from a hammer’s head? Has the = foot…
03/26/25 Grif.Net – Scrumptious Words (+ Answers to ‘Who Said It’ Quiz)
[Among the million words that the English language supposedly i= ncludes, some of them sound very strange. Other words are written in an une= xpected way. Most of these words were never taught in your English language= class unless you had ME for a professor.] **Scrumptious – this word…
03/25/25 Grif.Net – Who Said It? Quiz 2
This is a multipart message in MIME format. ——=_NextPart_000_03FA_01DB9D6D.E0442500 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii” Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit [Famous quotations are well known. Sadly, we often forget the original speaker/writer or the context in which they were given. How many of these wise or pithy sayings can you correctly attribute?] 1. “If you are…
03/24/25 Grif.Net – A Garden of Love
[This week will focus on words, poems, quotations= sure to bring an “amen” from the lips of English majors who us= ually ask “do you want fries with that? Note about this poem: I was a= romantic fool back in the 60’s and high . . . on lfe. Can’t…
03/22/25 Weekend Grif.Net – Love (Old Testament)
In the inspired texts of the Bible, love is not confined to a s= ingle word or idea. The Hebrew (Old Testament) uses a variety of terms like= ‘ahavah,’ ‘chesed,’ and ‘rachamim,’ ea= ch offering a nuanced view of love that ranges from affection and kindness = to mercy and…
03/21/25 Grif.Net – Just a Few More Limericks
[I st= ill smile at the clever rhythms and rhymes of a good limerick. Trust these,= dubbed “favorites” in Limerick itself, will turn that frown up= side down.] = The bottle of perfume that W= illie sentWas highly displeasing to Millicent;Her thanks were so co= ldThey quarreled, I’m told,‘Bout…
03/20/25 Grif.Net – Classic Limericks
[We u= sed a couple of limericks yesterday, so thought a few more couldn’t h= urt. And must feature some clean classic lines you all may remember. = Smile.] A major, with wonderful force,Called out in Hyde Park fo= r a horse.All the flowers looked round,But no horse could be…
03/19/25 Grif.Net – Limericks (+Answers to African Nation Quiz)
A lim= erick is a short, humorous five-line poem with a rhyme scheme of aa= bba. This form of poem owes its name to a group of poets from the = port city of Limerick in west-central Ireland, who wrote such verses. A certain young fellow named Bee-BeeWishe= d to wed…
03/18/25 Grif.Net – Africa Today Quiz
[Toda= y’s quiz focuses on names of countries in Africa. In my lifetime, mos= t the former European colonies have new names and many of the nations have = changed their names, too. I will give you the OLD names and all you m= ust do is give the PRESENT…
03/17/25 Grif.Net – Shamrock v Real Rocks
[Top = o’ the moaning to you this fine St Patrick’s Day. Here’s = a little fun for the kiddo in everyone.] Why should you never iron a four-leaf clover? You don&= #8217;t want to press your luck. = = What do= you get when you cross poison…
03/15/25 Weekend Grif.Net – Choir is Holding Hands
When my wife-to-be and I started at Pillsbury Baptist College i= n southern Minnesota back in the 60’s, we auditioned for one of four = choirs. She was a gifted soprano soloist and made the Madrigal (highe= st group); I was more a general workman, able to sing any of…
03/14/25 Grif.Net – Greatest Date in History?
Awoke today and thought this is a BAD day because my waterbe= d had sprung a leak. Then I thought it was going to be worse since I = don’t own a waterbed. But as today marks "77" for th= e founder of the Grif.Net, I have decided to quietly…
03/13/25 Grif.Net – As We Age
Here is a REALITY CHECK for those who cannot stop the hands on = the clock of time and celebrates birthdays seemingly annually. None a= re original with me, but all endorsed by me this 77th birthday w= eek from personal experience. > Eventually, you will reach a point when…