[Some jokes are not completely useless. They can always be used= as bad examples.] My friend got me an elephant for my room. I said, “Thank= s.” She said, “Don’t mention it.”= As I get older, I reme= mber all the people I lost along the way. Maybe…
01/30/25 Grif.Net – Kid Stuff (+ Answers to Kinda Easy Quiz)
[Dinner-table faire for the younger set that missed the grown-u= p quiz] Q: What type of sandals do frogs wear? A: Open-toad! Q: What do computers eat for a snack?= A: Microchips! Q: Why couldn’t the leopard play hide and seek? A: Because he was always sp= otted.…
01/29/25 Grif.Net – Kinda Easy Quiz
This is a multipart message in MIME format. ——=_NextPart_000_0451_01DB7231.1BE94D00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii” Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit [Weekly quizzes have had a lot of wrong answers of late, so I made this one not quite so tough. Not “easy”, but figure most can get at least half correct. Please ANSWER ONLY ONE publicly…
01/28/25 Grif.Net – Random Thoughts
The baby ant was confused because all his uncles were ants. I asked a= Frenchman if he played video games, and he said, ‘Wii’. To the guy w= ho invented zero, thanks for nothing. &= nbsp; Geology rocks, but Geography is where it’s = at. Sm= all…
01/27/25 Grif.Net – Wellness Check-up
[At the request of no one and interest of even fewer, here is a= report from my doctor appointment] &nb= sp; I=E2=80=99m still smiling. 😊 Could n= ot believe my doctor=E2=80=99s words. =E2=80=9CBob, you=E2=80=99re a beast!= =E2=80=9D Wow. I=E2=80=99m thinking that is a cool thing to say. Haven=E2=80=99t =…
01/25/25 Weekend Grif.Net – I Dream of Spring
This is a multipart message in MIME format. ——=_NextPart_000_02CB_01DB6F0C.65AC1A30 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii” Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In the midst of winter, I often dream of spring. In my mind’s eye I see the days lengthening with the sun rising earlier each day in the pink morning sky, bathing the world in its…
01/24/25 Grif.Net – Conversations with my Grandkids
[As best I can recall, during this pas year I have chatted with= various of my fifteen grandchildren about many subjects:] About memory “I = have a photographic memory, but I keep forgetting to develop it.”= About life: “I used to have a handle on life, but then it…
01/23/25 Grif.Net -How’s That Again?
My daughter and I were proud of our family lineage. She trac= ed it back in one line to two generations before Charlemagne in France. Ano= ther line was among the early immigrants to America, fleeing the English Ci= vil War in the 1640’s. Our ancestors included soldiers, settlers, sen=…
01/22/25 Grif.Net – Funniest One-Liners (+ Answer to State Snack Quiz)
[A radio station had a contest for one-line jokes/humor. = Did smile at some of the entries.] “I was in my car driving ba= ck from work. A police officer pulled me over and knocked on my window. I s= aid, ‘One minute, please. I’m on the phone.’” “People say…
01/21/25 Grif.Net – State Snack Quiz
[Two years ago, Readers Digest listed the “best snack in = every state”. You remember all the 48 states (or more) from gra= de school, right? I will give you 20 sweet or salty snacks, and you j= ust have to guess what state is most likely associated with these…
01/20/25 Grif.Net – Internet Confusion
I was searching Google for information on diabetes. Found= a promising site, but when I called up the page it said it used “coo= kies”. It then asked if I would accept cookies. = Is that a trick question? ~~= I mentioned on-line that I had a lot…
01/18/25 Weekend Grif.Net – Best Gift Ever
Roberta wrote, “My husband has had dementia for almost a = decade. He has almost no short-term memory. He can no longer drive, read, u= se a cell phone, or even use a credit card. When the Christmas catalogs came, I= saw a tablecloth I wanted, but when I…
01/17/25 Grif.Net – Food Jokes for Kids
[10 fun jokes for kids; 2 tougher ones for adults. Go ahead; pl= ay with your food.] Q: When potatoes have babies, what are they called?A: T= ater Tots = Q: What is a cheerleader’s favorite drink? A: Root beer Q: What are twins favorite fruit? A:…