[The first weekend of each month is a time to encourage and ins= pire our blog readers to greater achievement and aspiration.] “= ;The difference between greed and ambition is a greedy person desires thing= s he isn’t prepared to work for.”~ Habeeb Akande = “Success i= s a poor…
04/05/24 Grif.Net – Car v Horse
About 115 years ago, almost everyone owned a horse and only the= rich had cars. = Today, almost everyone has a car and only the rich have horses. Oh, how= the stables have turned. ~~ Dr Bob Griffin = [email protected] www.grif.net "Jesus Knows= Me, This I Love!"…
04/04/24 Grif.Net – 8-Step Stress Management
Just in case you’ve had a rough day, here’s an eight-step stres= s management technique recommended in the latest psychological texts. The f= unny thing is that it really works. 1. Picture yourself near a stream.= 2. Birds are sof= tly chirping in the cool mountain air. =…
04/03/24 Grif.Net – Life in Retirement
We retired in April 2021, so by now I’ve gained some pers= pective on what this stage of life looks like. For instance, these ca= n be overheard at my house, often all in the same day: >”Who cares if I = look good in this outfit? I’m comfortable.”…
04/02/24 Grif.Net – Status Updates from My Friends
Larry B. boasted, “At the end of the sermon pastor said e= very head bowed and every eye closed. I beat him by 35 minutes.”= ; Mary= Anne H. shared, “If raising children were easy, it would never have s= tarted with ‘labor’.” Mike B. quipped, “I once…
04/01/24 Grif.Net – First of the Month Humor
For years, the grif net has offered lousy jokes, lame puns, and= low-quality humor on the first weekday of every month. But today is also A= pril Fools Day, so we deviate slightly from our already undefined (and unde= cipherable) course. April Fool PRANKS and then a short history course=…
03/30/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Landscape of Divine Love (part 2)
[continued from last Saturday] We look at 5 more Bible verses about= God’s love, remembering that we’re not just exploring a concep= t; we’re engaging with a living, breathing love that has the power to= change lives and transform hearts. Each verse serves as a window, offering= a glimpse…
03/29/24 Grif.Net – Boomer-Speak and Slang (part 5)
41. LAY A PATCH (burn rubber or = leave black mark on the pavement with tires 42. DISH IT OUT (give advice or respond ̵= 1; often in your face – to others) 43. PADIDDLE= (game counting vehicles w= ith only one headlight; double points if it’s a…
03/28/24 Grif.Net – Boomer-Speak and Slang (part 4)
[Still working on words/phrases that Boomers know but our kids = or grandkids scratch their heads]  = ; 31. HANG LOOSE (= relax and let go, a surfing term to enjoy the moment) = 32. DECKED OUT (super dressed-up, often in finest ‘threads”= ) 33. = SOCK IT…
03/27/24 Grif.Net – Boomer-Speak and Slang (part 3)
21. CHECK OUT THESE THREADS (stylish clothing, that are “fit”= ) 22. TIME FOR A WIG CHOP (Hairc= ut – don’t flip your wig over that!) 23. FRIED = (burned out from too much stress, work, alcohol, or your expensiv= e laptop isn’t working) 24. CATCH SOME…
03/26/24 Grif.Net – Boomer-Speak and Slang (part 2)
11. IN A PICKLE (tricky predicam= ent, from canning cucumbers in bitter brine) 12. CAN’T TEACH AN OLD DOG NE= W TRICKS (old idiom about difficulty learnin= g new skills or methods, evident to Boomers in the technology of cell phone= s, VCR’s, and computers) 13. LET’S SPLIT…
03/25/24 Grif.Net – Boomer-Speak and Slang (part 1)
[Previously wrote about words/phrases used in Midwestern states= that might make them hard to understand. Now we talk about language us =E2= =80=9CBoomers=E2=80=9D use that causes head-scratching in our grandkids. I = am an early Boomer (born after dad came home from the Philippines) and thin= k I still use…
03/23/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Landscape of Divine Love (part 1)
In the ancient H= ebrew and Greek texts of the Bible, love is not confined to a single word o= r idea. The Hebrew Bible uses a variety of terms like ‘ahavah,’= ‘chesed,’ and ‘rachamim,’ each offering a nuanced = view of love that ranges from affection and kindness to…