[I’m not a fan of spring cleaning. Let’s be honest, I’m not int= o summer, fall, or winter cleaning either.] >Vacuuming is the chore at my ho= use that sucks the most. >In science class we learned that nature abhors a vac= uum. I agree. >I’ve decided…
04/20/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Strength vs Courage
It takes strength to be firm,It takes co= urage to be gentle. It takes strength to conquer,It takes courag= e to surrender. It takes strength to be certain,It takes courage= to have doubt. It takes strength to fit in,It takes courage to = stand out. It takes strength to feel…
04/19/24 Grif.Net – Are Lame Jokes a Tax Write-Off? (part 5)
[Final attempt at humor to keep you from crying over loss of yo= ur precious money] >There are three types of accountants: Those who can count = and those who can’t. >Some business owners considering changing careers to be= come chefs since they excel at cooking the books.…
04/18/24 Grif.Net – Are Lame Jokes a Tax Write-Off? (part 4)
Q: What sort of taxes do marijuana dispensaries file? A: Joint returns. Q: Why are taxes like golf? A: Because you work hard on the green just to end up in= the hole. Q: Why did the two CPAs divorce? A: Th= ey couldn’t reconcile their differences. …
04/17/24 Grif.Net – Are Lame Jokes a Tax Write-Off? (part 3)
>IRS agents are always tired after April 15th because their = work is so taxing. >My Moms knew I would be a CPA when I grew up. When we read= Cinderella and the pumpkin turns into a golden carriage, I asked, "Mo= m, is that ordinary income or capital…
04/16/24 Grif.Net – Are Lame Jokes a Tax Write-Off? (part 2)
Q: What sort of taxes are there on trash bags? A: Hefty ones, and no one is Glad about it. Q:= There are two types of people who complain about paying their income tax. A: Men and women. Q: What’s the definition of a go= od tax accountant?…
04/15/24 Grif.Net – Are Lame Jokes a Tax Write-Off? (part 1)
[How many "trillions" in new taxes am I (and my grand= children) going to pay for a socialist America? It will get worse.&nb= sp; So might as well try to laugh about it instead of cry] America is the land of= opportunity. Everyone can become a taxpayer. If…
04/13/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Senryu
[“Senryu” is three-line, often unrhymed Japane= se poetic form structurally like “haiku” with 5-7-5 syllables. = Haiku focuses on PHYSICAL nature and the world around us; Senryu is concern= ed with HUMAN nature and its weakness and wondering. I enjoyed reading some= on aging, retirement, and death, so thought my blog…
04/12/24 Grif.Net – “Expired” Words (part 5)
41. SIX OF ONE, HALF-DOZEN OF THE OTHER (about the same, so it really doesn’t matter) 42= =2E HEARD IT ON THE GRAPEVINE (unofficial go= ssip or rumor, not from telegraph or telephone line but over the backyard f= ence) 43. CAN’T MAKE A SILK PURSE OUT OF…
04/11/24 Grif.Net – “Expired” Words (part 4)
31. UP THE CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE (in a difficult situation, with no means to remedy it; from early British= navy in Napoleonic wars) 32. SHE HAS TOO MANY IRONS IN THE FIRE (she has spread her efforts too thin, not focused on main co= ncern; from cooking on…
04/10/24 Grif.Net – “Expired” Phrases (part 3)
[ten more examples of common language of a century back, many s= till used today!] 21. OLDER THAN DIRT or OLDER THAN IOWA AND TWICE A= S CORNY (something truly old; variation from= OLDER THAN THE HILLS found in the oldest book in the Bible – Job 15:7) 22.…
04/09/24 Grif.Net – “Expired Phrases” (part 2)
[more common phrases of a hundred or more years ago] 11.= IT COST YOU NOTHING TO TAKE A LOOK (nothing= wrong with window shopping as long as you don’t go in debt) 12. CAN’= T GET BLOOD OUT OF A TURNIP (or out of a STONE) (impossible task; often…
04/08/24 Grif.Net – “Expired” Phrases (part 1)
(We’ve chuckled at Southern words, Midwestern phrases, Bo= omer slang, and Computer jargon in recent months, so today we’ll focu= s on words/phrases from our Grandparents’ day. Amazingly, I fin= d myself still using some of these phrases from long ago in my present slig= htly age-addled vocabulary) 1.…