This is a multipart message in MIME format. ——=_NextPart_000_0022_01DB09A7.01BBE0C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii” Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Here is an updated installment of “firsts” in Wisconsin in a variety of categories. Learn why this State was our choice for university, for grad school, for our first home as newlyweds, for two wonderful pastorates,…
09/17/24 Grif.Net – News Release
News Release: New York City. A truck loaded with cases of Roget’s Thesaurus crashed as it lef= t a New York printer last night. According to the Associated = Press, witnesses said they were stunned, startled, aghast, taken back, stup= efied, confused, punchy, shocked, rattled, paralyzed, dazed, bewildered, mi= xed…
09/16/24 Grif.Net – What’s in a Name
I know you have been wondering why baby diapers have= brand names such as "Luvs", "Huggies", and "Pampe= rs’, while undergarments for old people are called "Depends". H= ere’s why. When babies go in their pants, people are still gonna L= uv ’em, Hug ’em and Pamper’ em.…
09/14/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Church This Sunday?
A Church-goer wrote a letter to the editor o= f a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Su= nday. He wrote: "I’ve gone for 30 years now, and in that time I have h= eard something like 3,000 sermons, but for the life…
09/13/24 Grif.Net – Friday the 13th (+Answers to Famous Sentences Quiz)
What day is worse than Friday the 13th? Monday the whatever. What do you call someone in a Hollywood h= orror movie who wakes up on Saturday the 14th?= Lucky. Why do fish hate Friday the 13th? Actually, they hate every fry day. Why did the old m=…
09/12/24 Grif.Net – Status Updates
Rhonda C.inquired, “What has 4 letters= , sometimes 9 letters but never 5 letters?” David A. boasted, “Saw an ad for a used car that said it ran g= ood, but the radio volume was ‘stuck on high’. Such a great dea= l I just couldn’t turn it down.”…
09/11/24 Grif.Net – Famous Sentences Quiz
[Here are some famous sentences from literature. Your tas= k, if you choose to accept it, is to give either the BOOK or the AUTHOR fro= m which we lifted the sentence. To REALLY show mastery, you may give = them BOTH. Or just read the sentences and smile and…
09/10/24 Grif.Net – Oxymorons (part 2)
[Here is the top 25 Oxymoron List as published October 26t= h, 1998, in the Grif Net Blog. The answer to your question is &= #8220;Yes, you’ve been wasting your brain power reading this stuff fo= r way too long.”] 25. Childproof __________ 24. "Now, then …" 23. Synthetic…
09/09/24 Grif.Net – Oxymorons (part 1)
Here is part of the list of 50 common oxymorons for your enjoym= ent. In case you’re wondering, "Grif Net Humor" is NOT on t= he list 50. Act naturally 49.&nb= sp; Found missing 48.  = ; Resident alien 47. = Advanced BASIC 46. Genuin= e imitation 45. Airline Fo= od…
09/07/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Monthly Motivation
[The first weekend of each month is a time to encourage and ins= pire our blog readers to greater achievement and aspiration.] “= ;It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”= ~ Theodore Roosevelt “It had long since come to my attention that…
09/06/24 Grif.Net – Happy Farmer
A Minnesota farmer died and went to hell. He was enjoy= ing himself so much that Satan went to check his gauges. It said 98 d= egrees and 80% humidity. The Devil asked the farmer why he was so happy.&nb= sp; The farmer replied, "This is just like working out…
09/05/24 Grif.Net – Church Secretary
[Forwarded for our use by Pastor Otis N.] A church secretary= picked up the phone and heard a Texan’s voice on the other end saying, &qu= ot;I want to talk to the head hog at the trough!" Puzzled, the secret= ary said, "Excuse me, sir?" He repeated;…
09/04/24 Grif.Net – Australia Quiz
[Since I omitted the Land Down Under in our = quiz on the five major continents, I promised we would have a quiz JUST abo= ut Australia. Everyone play nice and see if you actually can get at l= east 5 of 20 correct. Losers will get a yummy vegemite…