Few thoughts on life of a senior . . . >I want to use my retirement time to travel t= he world until my money runs out. I’ll probably be home by 10 pm toni= ght. >I never knew how much I could get = done while wearing…
10/17/24 Grif.Net – Nice Puppy
Two men were sitting on a bench, waiting for= a bus. At their feet between them lay a dog. One fellow said to the other, “Hey, does your dog bite?” The other replied, “Never. He’s a= good dog that never bit anyone.” So = the first fellow…
10/16/24 Grif.Net – Remembering (+ Answers to Pulling the Strings Quiz)
This is a multipart message in MIME format. ——=_NextPart_000_0078_01DB1FAE.946DDC80 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=”—-=_NextPart_001_0079_01DB1FAE.946DDC80″ ——=_NextPart_001_0079_01DB1FAE.946DDC80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii” Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit After my oral surgery and getting a full upper denture, I was sitting with my wife on the porch swing and talking about when we were younger. Teresa said, “Remember back when…
10/15/24 Grif.Net – Pulling the Strings
Who’s pulling the strings or doing the= talking or moving the arms? We all know famous puppets, marionettes, and m= uppets. BUT do you know who created these loveable critters that have seeme= d to take on lives of their own? Some easy, some hard. These were the inven= tors…
10/14/24 Grif.Net – So Bad, I’m Still Laughing
[Reading some puns and word-play on-line, and still smiling at = how smart some folks are compared to my addled brain. Examples? = As grandma in Minnesota always said, “Youbetcha”. Here are few= =2E] *= *I have a prosthetic toe made from breath mints. I call it my Tic-Tac-Toe. …
10/12/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Spirit of Columbus
When Christopher Columbus and his one-hundred-men crew pushed o= ff from Palos de la Frontera, Spain, in search of a western sea route to As= ia in 1492, many weren’t so sure they’d ever see him again. The Itali= an-born explorer had lobbied earnestly for funding for the trip,…
10/11/24 Grif.Net – Unruly Class
A Sunday School teacher was laboring hard at explaining the = evils of sin to his young charges. "God told Lot to take his wife and = flee out of the city. But when they were just a little way off, his wife lo= oked back and turned into a…
10/10/24 Grif.Net – Status Updates
Mike B. announced, “Merriam-Webster added 200 new words. = To make space, they got rid of words nobody uses anymore, like ‘dicti= onary’.” Candy S. wondered, “Find it amusing my husband won= 217;t let me pick up his new MacBook Pro because he’s afraid I’= ll drop it, but…
10/09/24 Grif.Net – Farm Issues (+ Answers to Boomer Quiz)
This is a multipart message in MIME format. ——=_NextPart_000_0032_01DB1A2A.908DEAD0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii” Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit The experimental salt-water algae farm was having difficulty because of the depletion of the plants by hundreds of terns eating them. An ornithologist was hired to solve the problem. His solution was to grow cannabis sativa…
10/08/24 Grif.Net – Boomer Quiz
[Someone said you could PROVE you were a “Baby Boomer&= #8221; if you could remember at least 15 or 20 of these facts. Try it= ! I won’t tell you how long it took for me to type in my phone number= on a credit card machine at the gas…
10/07/24 Grif.Net – Skipping Chemistry Class
Am sharing some truly memorable lame jokes about chemistry. For= me, they’re right in my element. I hope your reaction to them will n= ot be disappointing. *What did the chemistry teacher who was also a coach say to= his team? We argon a barium! &= nbsp; *What are…
10/05/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Monthly Motivation
[The first weekend of each month is a time to encourage and ins= pire Grif Net Blog readers to greater achievement and aspiration.] &= #8220;Be so good they can’t ignore you.”~ Steve Martin = “Bigg= er is not always better. Most often, success cannot be measured with statis= tics.” ~…
10/04/24 Grif.Net – Little Added to Math + Answers to Cat’s Out of the Hat Quiz)
Q: Hey, have you ever noticed what’s o= dd? A: Every other numbe= r. Q: Do you know what math teachers do aft= er it snows? A: They mak= e snow angles.  = ; Q: Which tool is best for ma= th? A: The multi-pliers.= = Q: What do…