
08/31/23 Grif.Net – Weakly Smiles (part 21)

08/31/23 Grif.Net – Weakly Smiles (part 21)

I got pulled over by a traffic cop.

He walked up to my window and said, “Papers.”

I said, “Scissors, I win,” and I drove off.

He must be desperate for a re-match because h=
e’s been chasing me for miles.



I’m =
addicted to ordering hatchets from other countries because of the smell.

I love foreign axe scents.



Letting go of a loved one can be hard.

But sometimes it’s the only way to survive a rock climbing catast=



I went for a job interview today.

The interviewer asked me, “What’s you=
r biggest weakness?”

I said, “An=
swering the semantics of a question but ignoring the pragmatics.”

The interviewer said, “Could you give me =
an example?”

I said, “Yes, I cou=



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Lo=