
06/02/20 Grif.Net – Classes this Summer (Level 1)

06/02/20 Grif.Net – Classes this Summer (Level 1)

Online Training Classes for husbands are now being =
offered.  Mark it down: your wife would like you to enroll in at =
least one, if not all, of these:

WATCH: Bringing her flowers or candy is not harmful to your health. =
Graphics and audio tape.


**TRAVEL: Real =
men ask for directions when lost. Real-life testimonials from survivors =
of 2019 summer road trips.


**ROMANCE RESOURCES: Subscription to the Hallmark Movie =
Channel included


it genetically impossible to sit quietly as she parallel parks? Includes =
driving simulation.


**RECOGNIZING LIMITATIONS. Just because you have power =
tools doesn’t mean you can fix it


[Note: due to =
the complexity and level of difficulty of their content, each course =
will accept a maximum of eight participants =



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I =