
09/14/18 Grif.Net – Answering Business Phones

09/14/18 Grif.Net – Answering Business Phones

[Messages =
overheard when calling some businesses]

"Your call is very =
important to us. Like, super important. We all bought new outfits for =
this call. Our supervisor, Dave, is wearing a wig. Chloe sprained her =
ankle racing for the phone. We’ll be with you as soon as she stops =


“None of =
our staff is authorized to speak with you except for Fred, who no longer =
works for us. Please leave your name, phone number and a brief message =
at the tone. Someone, somewhere, sometime may hear =


7;ve reached corporate headquarters and yes, you got our automated =
answering service. You know what I hate about answering machine =
messages? They go on and on, wasting your time. I mean, all they really =
need to say is, "We aren’t in, leave a message." That’s why =
I’ve decided to keep mine simple and short. I pledge to you, my =
customer, that you will never have to suffer through another long =
answering machine message when you call our company. So if you want to =
leave a message, please wait for the tone. If you want to leave your =
name and number, please press pound, press 3, then dial your name, then =
press 6 and dial your number. If you want to leave your name and just a =
message, press star, press 6, ask for extension 4443, then leave your =
name and message. If you want to leave your number and the time you =
called, please press star twice, spin in a circle, press 1 twice, talk =
loud and BEEP.”


“These =
words are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles =
to go before I sleep, so leave a message at the =


“You =
have reached the Grif Net blog. But why?”



Dr Bob Griffin =

[email protected] =

"Jesus =
Knows Me, This I Love!"