
03/22/16 Grif.Net – For Kids

03/22/16 Grif.Net – For Kids

Q. During the Flood, where did Noah keep the =
A. In ark hives


Q. Instead =
of his nose, why did Grandpa cover his mouth when he sneezed?
A. To =
catch his teeth.


Q. Why was =
the Egyptian child confused?

A. Her =
daddy was her mummy.


Q. How do =
you make an artichoke?

A. Strangle =


Q. Why bring a rope to the Basketball =
A. To tie the score.


Q. Why are =
fishermen and shepherds not to be trusted?

A. Because they live by hook and by =


Q. Why is Bob so cruel in the =

A. He whips the cream, =
strains the soup and makes the beef stew.


Q. Why did =
the man bring a bag of feathers to the used car lot?

A. He wanted to make a down payment.


Q. Why was =
the little shoe sad?

A. His father =
was a sneaker, his mother was a loafer and all his friends stuck their =
tongues out at him.



Dr Bob Griffin =

[email protected] =

"Jesus Knows Me, This I =