
11/13/12 Grif.Net Blog – FlexiJokes

11/13/12 Grif.Net Blog – FlexiJokes

[Many jokes allow you to change the subject/butt of the joke to suit the
audience. Feel free to change the CAPITALIZED subject to suit your personal
prejudices, political leaning, hair color, state/country of origin or
profession. You’re welcome!]

The Tooth Fairy, an Honest POLITICIAN and Davy Crockett were walking along a
road together when they saw a $100 bill. Who picked it up?
Davy Crockett! The other two are figments of your imagination.

Have you heard about the new law they’ve just passed. POLITICIANS have to be
buried 10 feet under ground!
Why? Because deep down they’re nice people.

“What’s the difference between a POLITICIAN and a catfish?
One’s a dirty scum-sucking bottom feeder and the other’s a fish.

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”