
08/27/12 Grif.Net Blog – Cruise Questions

08/27/12 Grif.Net Blog – Cruise Questions

[Cruise directors have stolen great lines from late night comedians, but
these “questions” asked by passengers are some of the best]

What time is the Midnight Buffet?

Does the water go all round the Island?

Will this elevator take me to the front of the ship?

How far are we above sea level?

Do these stairs go up or down?

Does the crew sleep on board?

Does the ship generate it’s own electricity?

If the photos aren’t marked, how do we know which ones are ours?

What do you do with the ice carvings after they’ve melted?

Is there music in the Disco?

And the best?
Is the water in the toilet fresh water or sea water?
(I don’t know, I haven’t tasted it.)

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”