
07/19/12 Grif.Net Blog – Leftover Jokes

07/19/12 Grif.Net Blog – Leftover Jokes

[Okay. Grandkids are gone. Quiet and lonely around here. And I came across
some jokes I’d set aside to try-out on them. Tough. So you all get the
left over jokes for grade-schoolers. Some might even be good.]

Did you hear about the man who opened a flea circus?
He started it from scratch.

How do you get rid of varnish?
Remove the ‘r’.

What do you call cattle that have a sense of humor?
Laughing stock.

Did you hear about the bicycle that went around attacking people?
It was a vicious cycle.

Patient: Doctor, doctor I keep thinking that I can see into the future.
Doctor: And when did this happen?
Patient: Next Wednesday.

Dad: Yesterday my dog grabbed my dictionary and started chewing it.
Son: So what did you do?
Dad: I took the words right out of his mouth.

Speaking of dogs, I spilled spot remover on him and he vanished.

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”