
03/13/12 Grif.Net – Ten Signs of Aging

03/13/12 Grif.Net – Ten Signs of Aging

Facing a birthday, so sharing some insights with my friends.
You Know You’re Old When . . .

1. You and your teeth don’t sleep together.

2. People call at 9 p.m. and ask, “Did I wake you?”

3. You begin every other sentence with, “Nowadays…”

4. The clothes you’ve put away until they come back in style… come back in

5. Things you buy now won’t wear out.

6. Happy hour is a nap.

7. You can’t remember how old you are

8. You sing along with the elevator music.

9. You wear black socks with sandals.

10. Your address book has mostly names that start with Dr.

Bonus: You sit in a rocking chair and can’t get it going.

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”