
06/07/11 Grif.Net – Thoughts on Fathers, 2

06/07/11 Grif.Net – Thoughts on Fathers, 2

[Rather than just a single day to honor dads, I thought I would share some
father-fodder each day for a fortnight leading up to Father’s Day.]

“Fathers are the geniuses of the house because only a person as intelligent
as we could fake such stupidity. Think about your father: He doesn’t know
where anything is. You ask him to do something, he messes it up and your
mother sends you: ‘Go down and see what your father’s doing before he blows
up the house.’ He’s a genius at work because he doesn’t want to do it, and
he knows someone will be coming soon to stop him.”
~Bill Cosby

One night a father overheard his son pray, “Dear God, make me the kind of
man my Daddy is”.
Later that night the father prayed, “Dear God, make me the kind of man my
son wants me to be.”

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”