
01/18/07 Grif.Net – Finishing the Sentences Answers

01/18/07 Grif.Net – Finishing the Sentences Answers


Many came up with the obvious – “Old owls never die, they just don’t give a

Here are some of the “basic” answers:

Old accountants never die, they just lose their balance.
Old bankers never die, they just lose interest.
Old cleaning people never die, they just kick the bucket.
Old deans never die, they just lose their faculties.
Old doctors never die, they just lose their patience.
Old journalists never die, they just get de-pressed.
Old lawyers never die, they just lose their appeal.
Old photographers never die, they just stop developing.
Old pilots never die, they just go to a higher plane.
Old postal employees never die, they just are marked “return to sender”.
Old quarterbacks never die, they just pass away.
Old schools never die, they just lose their principals.
Old sewage workers never die, they just waste away.
Old sailors never die, they just get a little dingy.
Old steelmakers never die, they just lose their temper.
Old teachers never die, they just lose their class.

And some “special” answers from YOU!

Diane said, “Old cleaning people never die, they just Vanish.”
“Old journalists never die, they just go out of print.”
“Old photographers never die, they just close their shutters.”

Phil from Wales, UK said, “Old musicians never die, they just decompose”

Bob J said “Old lawyers never die, they just lose their last case.”
“Old sewage workers never die, they just go down the drain.”

Sue added, “Old sewage workers never die, they just smell that way.”
“Old beauticians never die, they just curl up and dye.”

Dave writes, “Old quarterbacks never die, they just keep on sneaking.”
“Old sewage workers never die, they just keep on plugging.”

Bryan said, “Old librarians never die, they just check out.”
“Old veterinarians never die, they just get put to sleep.”

John who works at Parson Technology adds: “Old programmers never die, they
just lose their byte.”

Brian M adds “Old Postal employees never die, they just lose their ZIP.”

Better than John who said “Old postal employees never die, they just
reload.” Oh, my.

Dr Bob Griffin,
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given