
01/12/07 Grif.Net – Winter is Not Funny

01/12/07 Grif.Net – Winter is Not Funny

Yesterday (Thursday) we got 12″ of snow and then slammed in the deep freeze.
-19F and gonna get colder. Winds picking up to blizzard strength, so no
school. So thought up some neat jokes for the kiddos fitting for a day like

Q. What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
A. Snow flakes

Q. What do you call an elephant in a Wyoming blizzard?
A. Lost

Q. Where do polar bears vote?
A. At the North Pole

Q. What do you call a snowman in the desert?
A. A Puddle

Q. What do you call a cow in northern Alaska?
A. An eskimoo

Q. Why did the snowman stand on the marshmallow?
A. So he wouldn’t fall in the hot chocolate

Q. What did the ski cap say to the warm wooly scarf?
A. You hang around. I’m going on a head

HEY, nobody said these were GOOD jokes, right?

Dr Bob Griffin,
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given