[One last day of fun before all the focus is= shifted to 2026 mid-term election] **I have come to the conclusion = that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. **You know how they say, “Nobody can fix th= e economy. Nobody can be…
11/07/24 Grif.Net – More Q&A about the Election
[Win or lose, poking fun at politics brings = a smile back on our faces] Q: Why should we make Congress more effic= ient by replacing all the people with horses? A: Every vote would end in “neighs,” but h= ay, at least the housing market would be stable. …
11/06/24 Grif.Net – Q&A about US Elections
[After months of rancor, the elections are o= ver and most races declared. This is poking a little FUN for the next few d= ays at our crazy system] Q: How are politicians like diapers?A: = They both need to be changed regularly, and for the same reason.= Q:…
11/05/24 Grif.Net – Important Questions
(Amidst our prayers and seriousness of Elect= ion Day, we bring a little light-hearted humor to mind) Q. How do yo= u stop Canadian bacon from curling in the pan? A. You take away its tiny broom. Q. What are the four keys to success? A. S, U, C,…
11/04/24 Grif.Net – $10,000 Prize
A group of tourists was visiting a crocodile farm, and they wer= e in a floating structure in the middle of a crocodile lake. The owner of t= he farm shouted: "Whoever jumps into the water and swims to shore will= receive a ten-thousand-dollar prize!! = The silence was…
11/02/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Monthly Motivation
[The first weekend of each month is a time to encourage and ins= pire our blog readers to greater achievement and aspiration.] “= ;If your dreams don’t scare you, they are too small.” ~ Richard Branson “It is wise to keep in mind that ne= ither success nor failure…
11/01/24 Grif.Net – Monthly Words at Play
[Couple of stories to start out November wit= h PUNishing humor. Like starting every month hearing groans from around the= world!] “I can’t wait to set the clo= cks back this weekend, and get an extra hour of unable to sleep.” = ~~ “I just got a job…
10/31/24 Grif.Net – Rules for Writing
Do not put statements in the negative form. And don’t start = sentences with a conjunction. = = If you reread your work, you will find on rer= eading that a great deal of repetition can be avoided by rereading and edit= ing. Never use a long word…
10/30/24 Grif.Net – Leaves, Lawns, and Fall
Thank God for Fall and the first hard freeze. Taking c= are of a lawn must be the stupidest thing we’ve come up with in a long time= ! We constantly battle dandelions, Queen Anne’s lace, thistle, violets, chi= cory, and clover that thrive naturally, so we can grow grass…
10/29/24 Grif.Net – Idiots Walking
There are idiots walking among us: ** I was signing t= he receipt for my credit card purchase when the clerk noticed that I had ne= ver signed my name on the back of the credit card. She informed me th= at she could not complete the transaction unless the…
10/28/24 Grif.Net – Making Doilies
As a new bride, Aunt Edna moved into the small home on her h= usband’s ranch in Wyoming. She put a shoebox on a shelf in her closet= and asked her husband never to touch it. For fifty years, Uncle Jack left = the box alone, until Aunt Edna…
10/26/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Death Worldwide
Came across a disturbing statistic. Thought about making it a &= #8220;quiz” last Tuesday, but this was just so important for everyone= to see and understand the significance that might be lost otherwise. = In 2024 on = average, there are 170,790 people in this world who will die…
10/25/24 Grif.Net – Applying Football Terms to Church
[Every 25 years on the Grif Net we try to update our definit= ions on Football as applied to the Church. Here is the revision from our Fa= ll 1999 version.] Halftime – The period between Sunday School and Morning = worship when many choose to leave. &= nbsp;…