Christians in our modern age are called to live countercultural= ly. In fact, we must live paradoxically to fully live out the teachings of = our Savior, Jesus Christ. = Consider Christ’s teaching in Matthew 16:24-25, = “‘If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take =…
11/22/24 Grif.Net – Last of the Dad Jokes (for this week)
1. CASHIER: "Would you like the milk in a bag, sir?" = DAD: "No, just leave it in the carton!= ’” 2. Who’s bigger? Mrs. Bigger, Mr. Bigger, or their baby? Their baby — because he’s a little Bigg= er. 3.= A woman was on trial for beating…
11/21/24 Grif.Net – Visit to the Optometrist (+ Answers to Odds 7 Ends Quiz)
Eye Doctor: Bob, the results on your eye tes= ts came back. = Me: Great! Can I see them? Eye Doctor: Probably not. ~~~ &nb= sp; 1. What is the national an= imal of Scotland? Answer:= The unicorn 2. Which common bones are babi= es born without?…
11/20/24 Grif.Net – Odds & Ends Quiz
[Various odds and ends questions await to te= st how your brain handles minutia and obscure facts. ] 1. What is the national animal of Scotland? ________________ 2. Which common bones are babies born without= ? ________________ &= nbsp; 3. Which planet has the = most gravity? ________________…
11/19/24 Grif.Net – Wait! There Are MORE Dad Jokes?
1. What do you call a magician who lost his magic? Ian. 2. What do you call a dinosaur that asks a lot of deep q= uestions? A philosiraptor.= 3. Why can’t a n= ew dad change a light bulb? Because they do= n’t make diapers small enough.…
11/18/24 Grif.Net – Dad Jokes, Again
1. What do you call 2 monkeys that share an Amazon account? Prime mates 2. Should I name my baby girl Brie?= I think it sounds a little cheesy 3. How do you get in= touch with a Roman architect? You column. 4. What= do you call…
11/16/24 Weekend Grif.Net – A Story to Live By
[The Weekend Grif Net tries to eschew humor and goes for mor= e serious subjects. Trust this will move YOU to action.] A Story To Live By= (by Ann Wells, Los Angeles Times) &= nbsp; My brother-in-law opened the bottom draw= er of my sister’s bureau and lifted out…
11/15/24 Grif.Net – Old Preacher’s Wish
An old preacher was dying. He sent a message for a tax colle= ctor and his lawyer, both church members, to come to his home. When they ar= rived, they were ushered up to his bedroom. As they entered the room,= the preacher held out his hands and motioned for…
11/14/24 Grif.Net – Robin’s Funeral (+ Answers to Trivial Poor Suit Quiz)
While walking along the sidewalk in front of his church, our= minister heard the intoning of a prayer that nearly made his collar wilt. = Apparently his five-year-old son and his playmates had found a dead robin. = Feeling that proper burial should be performed, they had secured a small…
11/13/24 Grif.Net – Trivial Poor Suit Quiz
This is a multipart message in MIME format. ——=_NextPart_000_0037_01DB35B0.BE750D60 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii” Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit [Need to check on my blog readers to see IF their post-election brains are still working. Here’s a set of random questions; all YOU do is fill in the blanks.] 1. How many countries are in…
11/12/24 Grif.Net – Status Updates from Friends
Ken H. shared, “Talked to my cab driver and found he was = a fare-minded person.” Esther G. wondered, “When I was asked what I d= o with leftover bacon, I admit that thought never occurred to me.” Wayne I.= said, “Of all the inventions of the past…
11/11/24 Grif.Net – Armistice Day
[Armistice Da= y has become Veterans’ Day. Armistice Day was sacred. Veterans’ Day is not.= But many want to keep this day as a very special tribute.]= As we express our gratitude, we must= never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to l= ive…
11/09/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Someone Who Understands
A farmer had some puppies to sell, so he made a sign advertisin= g the four pups and went to nail it to a post at the edge of his yard. As h= e was hammering the last nail, he felt a tug on his overalls. He looked dow= n…