
Daily Humor

07/18/24 Grif.Net – Phobias

People were talking about fears and phobias they had. Some of t= hose mentioned were well-known while others were totally unfamiliar:   COMMON PHOBI= AS =3D>ARACHNOPHOBIA (fear of spiders) >TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA (fear of Friday the 13th) >ACROPHOBIA (fear of heights) >CLAUSTROPHOBIA: (fear of = closed spaces) >AGORAPHOBIA: (= fear of no…

07/13/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Open Heart Surgery

This is a multipart message in MIME format. ——=_NextPart_000_00D9_01DAD509.467D2700 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii” Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit The surgeon sat beside the boy’s bed; the boy’s parents sat across from him. “Tomorrow morning,” the surgeon began, “I’ll open up your heart…” “You’ll find Jesus there,” the boy interrupted. The surgeon looked up, annoyed.…