[On the first weekday of each month, we try to buoy the humor l= evel of our readers with high-quality puns or word play. That this se= ldom is the result does not hinder our continued efforts. Hence today’= ;s lame offering of ten more.] Went to the doctor…
11/30/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Choosing Marriage
Did you ever think someone could show you love through a bologn= a sandwich? I didn’t think so either. Until I found out that my then-boyf= riend-now-husband (a poor, broke, medical school student at the time) spent= close to two months eating bologna sandwiches every day, in order…
11/29/24 Grif.Net – Black Friday Begins the Season (of Stress)
This is a multipart message in MIME format. ——=_NextPart_000_02B4_01DB4245.F276A500 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii” Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sweet family time of Thanksgiving is over and now the REAL anxiety of Christmas begins. Do YOU have favorite expressions to use on high stress days? These are compiled from a number of ladies . .…
11/28/24 Grif.Net – 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation
It is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dep= endence upon the overruling power of God; to confess their sins and transgr= essions in humble sorrow, yet, with assured hope that genuine repentance wi= ll lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the…
11/27/24 Grif.Net – Japanese Banking (+ Answers from 50 years ago Quiz)
This just in . . . According to in= side contacts, the Japanese Banking situation shows no signs of amelioratin= g. If anything, it’s getting worse. Following last we= ek’s news that Origami Bank had folded, we are hearing that Sumo Bank has g= one belly up, and Bonsai…
11/26/24 Grif.Net – “50 Years Ago” Quiz
[Has life changed in 50 years? Here a= re some facts from 1974 that many might question. And how easy –= ; the answers are all here, too, in a multiple guess format. Another reason= to be thankful this week.] 1. In 1974, the famous dance c= raze was…
11/25/24 Grif.Net – King of the Jungle
The lion was proud of his position as "king of the jung= le". One day he decided to be SURE that all the other animals kn= ew that HE was the king. He started with a monkey. "Who is the king of= the jungle?" and the monkey chattered, "You are!…
11/23/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Cultural Paradox
Christians in our modern age are called to live countercultural= ly. In fact, we must live paradoxically to fully live out the teachings of = our Savior, Jesus Christ. = Consider Christ’s teaching in Matthew 16:24-25, = “‘If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take =…
11/22/24 Grif.Net – Last of the Dad Jokes (for this week)
1. CASHIER: "Would you like the milk in a bag, sir?" = DAD: "No, just leave it in the carton!= ’” 2. Who’s bigger? Mrs. Bigger, Mr. Bigger, or their baby? Their baby — because he’s a little Bigg= er. 3.= A woman was on trial for beating…
11/21/24 Grif.Net – Visit to the Optometrist (+ Answers to Odds 7 Ends Quiz)
Eye Doctor: Bob, the results on your eye tes= ts came back. = Me: Great! Can I see them? Eye Doctor: Probably not. ~~~ &nb= sp; 1. What is the national an= imal of Scotland? Answer:= The unicorn 2. Which common bones are babi= es born without?…
11/20/24 Grif.Net – Odds & Ends Quiz
[Various odds and ends questions await to te= st how your brain handles minutia and obscure facts. ] 1. What is the national animal of Scotland? ________________ 2. Which common bones are babies born without= ? ________________ &= nbsp; 3. Which planet has the = most gravity? ________________…
11/19/24 Grif.Net – Wait! There Are MORE Dad Jokes?
1. What do you call a magician who lost his magic? Ian. 2. What do you call a dinosaur that asks a lot of deep q= uestions? A philosiraptor.= 3. Why can’t a n= ew dad change a light bulb? Because they do= n’t make diapers small enough.…
11/18/24 Grif.Net – Dad Jokes, Again
1. What do you call 2 monkeys that share an Amazon account? Prime mates 2. Should I name my baby girl Brie?= I think it sounds a little cheesy 3. How do you get in= touch with a Roman architect? You column. 4. What= do you call…