[10 added products where Wisconsin is a leader in the nation] 11. Brats (Johnsonville, WI) = Hundreds of varieties of brats abound across the state (Sheboygan= is the "Bratwurst Capital" of the world). But Johnsonville Brats= is America’s number one selling brat brand and distributed to over 4= 5 countries…
12/07/23 Grif.Net – Iconic Products of Wisconsin
The world just wouldn’t be the same without Wisconsin. Th= at’s not an opinion; it’s a fact. If you need convincing, here = are some iconic products, brands, and chains that originated in the Badger = State. 1. Jack Link’s Beef Jerky (Minong, WI) Jac= k Link’s Beef Jerky…
12/06/23 Grif.Net – Makes Sense (+ answer to General Quiz)
[A few answers t= hat make good sense!] Q. What lights up a soccer stadium? A. A g= ood match. Q. How did a barber win the Boston Marathon? A.= He took a shortcut. Q. What is a fake spaghetti called in Nap= les? A. An im-pasta. …
12/05/23 Grif.Net – Famous Generals (or commanders/leaders) Quiz
FAMOUS GENERALS, COMMANDER, or LEADER QUIZ. We give you c= lues (a word or phrase) linked BEST with a particular well-known military l= eader. Example: Crossing the Delaware =3D GEORGE WASHINGTON 1. 300 =3D _________= ___ 2.= Agincourt =3D ____________ 3. Alamo Victory =3D ____________ …
12/04/23 Grif.Net – Status Updates of my Friends
Tony L reminded us, “90% of all electric vehicles are sti= ll on the road. The other 10% made it home.” Bill S lamented, “The ot= her day I yelled into a colander, and I think I strained my voice.” Dana L = commented, “Three years ago my…
12/02/23 Weekend Grif.Net – Monthly Motivation
“You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed = if you don’t try.”~ Beverly Sills “The road to success= is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.”~ Will Rogers “= ;It’s never too late to be what you might’ve been.” ~ George Eliot “You can do anything…
12/01/23 Grif.Net – Words at Play
[On the first weekday of the month, we share some of the best a= nd worse puns and word plays] I’ve just finished reading a book about the w= orld’s greatest basement. It was a best cellar. = Speaking of books, I ordere= d a book of puns…
11/30/23 Grif.Net – PhD Jokes (part 4)
[I promise this is the LAST bunch of PhD jokes for the month] I’= ;ve been doing my psychology PhD thesis on the mental health and well-being= of little people. After 4 long years and mu= ltiple studies, I’ve concluded 6 out of 7 dwarves aren’t Happy.= What…
11/29/23 Grif.Net – PhD Jokes (part 3)
[Even MORE lame jokes about PhD’s? Secret’s o= ut – my son-in-law Dr Z just defended his dissertation and earned his= REAL PhD on Monday, so HAD to tweak him this week. Well, what did you expe= ct from this blog?] So, I have this friend who studied to become…
11/28/23 Grif.Net – PhD Jokes (part 2)
[Had such fun with PhD jokes yesterday, that I have a whole = 216;nuther bunch!] I have finished writing my PhD thesis on penguins. In hindsight, I probably should have written it on pape= r. I h= ave a friend who just finished her PhD in Botany. Instead…
11/27/23 Grif.Net – PhD Humor (part 1)
[Achieving a Ph.D. is a lofty goal for anyone. I have a couple = of “urned” degrees myself (the closest to a Ph.D. I ever held w= as a post hole digger) but want to joke and tease and try out some “P= h.D. Humor”.] What do you call…
11/25/23 Weekend Grif.Net – A Turtle Sponge Bath
There was once a man who walked his dog every Sunday morning ar= ound a lake near his house. Week after week, he saw the same elderly woman = sitting at the edge of the water with a small metal cage next to her. The m= an’s curiosity finally got…
11/24/23 Grif.Net – Another Round of Tongue Twisting
[Most are familiar with “Peter piper picked a peck of pic= kled peppers; a peck of pickled peppers Peter piper picked. If Peter piper = picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers did Peter piper = pick?” Here are a few more tongue-tangling tales to make your…