‘Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of = kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, becom= e a child again at Christmas time.’ ~Laur= a Ingalls Wilder ‘I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it a= ll…
12/22/23 Grif.Net – Christmas Email (+ Answers to Christmas Traditions Quiz)
Just before Christmas 2023, God was looking down at Earth an= d saw all the evil happening. He decided to send an angel down to Ear= th to check it out. When the angel returned, the verdict was, "Yes, it= is bad on Earth – 95% is bad and 5%…
12/21/23 Grif.Net – Christmas Traditions Quiz
[Some easy. Some hard. Test your knowledge of Christma= s traditions] 1. What is usually concealed in the Christmas pudding? 2. A t= raditional advent calendar has how many days? 3. What is the last day of Ch= ristmas called? 4. Traditional Christingle can be made…
12/20/23 Grif.Net – Fake Mistletoe
A couple years ago, the wife and I were headed to California= and out of the snow and cold. Now, I’m into Christmas, but can’t sta= nd airports with tacky red and green decor, and loudspeakers blaring elevat= or renditions of so-called Christmas music. I grit my teeth and…
12/19/23 Grif.Net – Out for a Drive
The weather is unseasonable warm for December, with no snow or = ice here in southeastern Wisconsin, so the wife and I took a long, leisurel= y drive around the city to enjoy a burger, an opportunity for time together= , and to look at the Christmas decorations in each…
12/18/23 Grif.Net – Rain
After a prolonged drought, when the rain came all the animals i= n Australia were happy. Except the Kangaroo. When the others asked her wha= t the reason was for such sadness, the Kangaroo revealed this fact. &= #8220;When it rains, all the kids now have to play inside.”…
12/16/23 Weekend Grif.Net – Need Some Cornbread?
[It is cold out. I told the wife I’m fixin’ to s= tart chili cooking, put some beans in heart-healthy bacon grease, and all I= needed was cornbread to warm my innards in December in Wisconsin. Found lo= oking at ways to make cornbread that there was a national divide…
12/15/23 Grif.Net – New Password
One of my grandkids was telling me about a foolproof password s= he had for her computer. Quietly and confidentially, she told me it w= as “MickeyMinniePlutoHueyLouieDeweyDonaldGoofySacramento" When I asked why she had such a long password,= she said her teacher said a good password should be a minimum of…
12/14/23 Grif.Net – Pangrams
In 12th grade I needed a couple extra classes to graduate. I had a strong colleg= e-prep resume but did not need/want calculus/trigonometry since I was enrol= led to be a minister and taking extra speech and music accordingly. The gui= dance counselor wondered why I had never taken typing.…
12/13/23 Grif.Net – How’s That Again? (+ answers to Odds & Ends Quiz)
Q. I am black, c= overed with feathers and flies. What am I?A. A dead crow.  = ; = Q. I am orange, have a green top, and sound like a parrot. What am I? A.= A carrot. Q.I have a bottom at my top. What am I? A.=…
12/12/23 Grif.Net – Odds & Ends Quiz
[Need a quiz to = confirm you actually do know something? Figure everyone maybe knows at leas= t 1 of these. Or not. Test your brain function on these warped variety of f= acts.] 1. Who was the first woman ever inducted into the Rock and Ro= ll Hall of…
12/11/23 Grif.Net – Stigma of Being Tall
[I have always been tall, although now at age 75+ I am shrinkin= g down to 6’5” as age takes a toll. But with a little bit of cr= eativity, tall people can easily handle the barrage of questions and commen= ts they receive daily. I learned to use humor,…
12/09/23 Weekend Grif.Net – Days of Infamy?
Dec 7th was “slightly” remembered this w= eek, but we are witnessing past lessons LOST as some of the most ludicrous = marches and gatherings in the US, calling for “peace” and ̶= 0;no response” to the most evil outrage against innocents in recent d= ecades, Imagine December 8th, 1941.…