An honest seven-year-old admitted calmly to her parents that= Liam had kissed her after class. = "How did that happen?" g= asped her mother. "It wasn’t easy," admitted the young lady, &qu= ot;but three girls helped me catch him." ~~ANSWERS TO HUMAN BODY QUIZ~~= 1. What…
02/20/24 Grif.Net – Human Body Quiz
[We often take the human body, a marvelously designed mechanism= by a wonderful God, for granted. Here are a dozen questions to see w= hat YOU know about YOU. This is a repeat quiz from 15 years ago, but unsure= anyone still remembers. Hey, I guessed for 5 right and…
02/19/24 Grif.Net – When is Supper?
What is usually =E2=80=9Csupper time=E2=80=9D at your house? (W= e only have =E2=80=9Cdinner=E2=80=9D on Sunday 1:00 pm after church; our ro= utine is breakfast, lunch, supper during the week)Because of my wife=E2= =80=99s late work in her clinic, we fell into a routine of dinner at 7:30 e= ach evening.…
02/17/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Which Are You?
A daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable= and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it. She was tired= of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was= solved, another one soon followed. &n= bsp; Her father, a…
02/16/24 Grif.Net – Signs Across America (part 2)
A sign seen on a restroom dryer at O’Hare Field in Chicag= o:“Do not activate with wet hands.” In a New Hampshire jewelry st= ore:“Ears pierced while you wait.” In a New York restaurant:&= #8220;Customers who find our waitresses rude ought to see the manager.̶= 1; In…
02/15/24 Grif.Net – Signs Across America (part 1)
In front of a New Hampshire restaurant:“Now serving l= ive lobsters” On a New Jersey restaurant menu:“Blackened bluefi= sh” In a Maine restaurant:“Open seven days a week and weekends.&#= 8221; On a long-established New Mexico dry cleaning store:“Thirty-eig= ht years on the same spot” = = In…
02/14/24 Grif.Net – Valentine’s Day Warning
[Overheard] Husband: "I am SO sorry that I forgot Valen= tine’s Day. I know you must be hurt and angry with such a fool like m= e. What can I do for you to forgive me?" Wife: "I have alr= eady dealt with it" Husband: "What did…
02/13/24 Grif.Net – More Questions (+ Answers to “Honest Abe” Quiz)
[A week ago, we ment= ioned some questions that needed more thought for a good answer. Adde= d ideas have slowly dribbled in. I’m thinking about them. Now you wil= l, too.] >> Do blind Eskimos have seeing-eye dog sleds? >> If you thro= w a cat out of a…
02/12/24 Grif.Net – Honest Abe Quiz
[Although we no longer celebrate President Abraham Lincoln&#= 8217;s birthday with a day off school – are you old enough to remembe= r how exciting it was to get Lincoln’s AND Washington’s birthda= ys off? – we can celebrate the history of our sixteenth President with an e= xciting quiz)…
02/10/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Sweet Dreams
A young boy and girl were enjoying a pleasant afternoon playing= outside in their neighborhood together. The boy showed the girl his collec= tion of beautiful, unique marbles. In turn, the girl showed the boy the han= dful of wrapped candy that she had just gotten for her birthday.= …
02/09/24 Grif.Net – More Ways to Understand Computer Terms
[Hang in there if you hear these computer words and don̵= 7;t know their meaning. Help is on the way to your cabin in the North Woods= =2E] Modem: What you did to= the hay fields last summer. Dot Matrix: Farmer Matrix’s = wife. Infrared: Where the…
02/08/24 Grif.Net – Computer Guide for Long Wisconsin Winters (part 1)
[Dictionary to help you understand computer function and pro= gramming if you’re spending the winter in a cabin up Nort of Wisconsi= n. You’re welcome.]. Log On:  = ; Makin’ the wood stove hotter. &nbs= p; Log Off:  = ; Don’t add wood. Monitor: Keep an eye= on the wood…
02/07/24 Grif.Net – New Blue Jeans (+ ANSWERS to Quiz Iconic Movie Quotations)
[Got two new pair of blue jeans for Christmas since my old one= s were holier than I am. Caused my mind to wander on that subject and see i= f I’d written about jeans previously. This was from March 10, 1997, during the first year of the grif net…