As we were reading last night, I asked my wife if she was enjoy= ing the library book we’d picked up. “Oh, yes, dear!= 221; was her enthusiastic reply. = = “What’s it about?” I wondered = aloud. “It is a wonderful novel about a woman my age who…
05/06/24 Grif.Net -Have You Heard?
HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT the safe that was invented by a cop and ro= bber team? It was quite a combination. = HAVE YOU HE= ARD ABOUT the skeleton that was a bad liar? You could see right through it.  = ; HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT the crime in…
05/04/24 Weekend Grif.Net – I Support Christian Colleges
Af= ter 51 years of ministry, a factor in our choice of retirement location in = 2021 was a wonderful Christian University located in a small Midwestern com= munity. Maranatha Baptist University is a fundamental. biblical, cons= ervative, accredited, high-quality educational institution. Both my w= ife and I were in…
05/03/24 Grif.Net – Status Updates from my Friends
Scott C posted, “I asked the worship leader what we would= be singing this Sunday. He told me he would cross that bridge six times wh= en he comes to it.” Ken M said, “Whenever I think of music in the 80&= #8217;s, I think of the boom box.…
05/02/24 Have You Seen the Signs?
These are some real messages on signs seen around the world (so= me obviously for English-speaking visitors to that region). Some make perfe= ct sense, while others show something lost in translation. > Park benches may = be wet during periods of rain.[France] = > For restrooms, go…
05/01/24 Grif.Net – First of the Month: News Around Here
[First of the Month mean= s another dose of bad jokes, puns, and lame humor. Supposedly from my count= y in Wisconsin, but we know they aren’t.] Watertown police recently found an abandoned car that had been u= sed in the burglary of a sporting goods store. The only item…
04/30/24 Grif.Net – Keen Observations (part 2)
(In honor of my bride’s birthday a couple days ago, I&= #8217;m sharing insights on the joys of aging. After all, having a birthday= is better than the alternative.] >It would be good if “the buck stopped here”. We sure could= use a few. >Some days you’re the dog,…
04/29/24 Grif.Net – Keen Observations (part 1)
[My dear wife celebrated a birthday over the weekend. Won’= ;t share her age, since we know once you’re over 75 nobody is countin= g anymore. Needed to relate insights and annotations of reaching this age.]= &g= t;We start out with nothing, and still have most of it. …
04/27/24 Weekend Grif.Net – It Couldn’t Be Done
‘It Couldn’t Be Done’ by E= dgar Guest Somebody said = that it couldn’t be doneB= ut he with a chuckle repliedTha= t “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be oneWho wouldn’t say so till he’d trie= d. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin= On…
04/26/24 Grif.Net – Texting Shortcut
A mom texted, "Hi Son. What d= o IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?" He texted back, "I Don’t Know, Love You, & Talk To You = Later." The mom= read that and responded, "Oh, that’s okay. Don’t worry about it. I’ll= ask your sister later. Love you, too."…
04/25/24 Grif.Net – Memory Test
There was an elderly couple who in= their old age noticed that they were getting a lot more forgetful, so they= decided to go to the doctor. The doctor told them that they should start w= riting things down, so they won’t forget. They went home and the woman…
04/24/24 Grif.Net – Ancestors
A child asked his father, "Ho= w were people born?" His father said, "In the beginning, God made Adam and Eve, then= Adam and Eve made babies, then their babies became adults and made babies,= and so on." The= child then went to his mother, asked her the…
04/23/24 Grif.Net – Spring Riddles for the Kiddo’s
What did the tree say to spring once it warmed up? What a re-leaf. &nb= sp; What month is the shortest of the year? May. It has just three letters.= Why is spring the best= time to open a flower and gift shop? Busine= ss is blooming. =…