[Since I omitted the Land Down Under in our = quiz on the five major continents, I promised we would have a quiz JUST abo= ut Australia. Everyone play nice and see if you actually can get at l= east 5 of 20 correct. Losers will get a yummy vegemite…
09/03/24 Grif.Net – Another Letter from College
[My post 10 days ago about a “$tudent” and his not-so-su= btle request from college for money from his father brought interesting res= ponses. My undergrad buddy David S. from back at Pillsbury College in= the 60’s sent this short note.] College kid to dad: “No mon, no fun, your…
09/02/24 Grif.Net – First of the Month Word Play
[Usually have a list of lousy puns or word plays as each month = begins. But this story caught my eye, so opted for a more cerebral entree.]= King Ozymandias of Babylon and Assyria was running low on cash= after years of war with the Hittites. His last great possession was…
08/31/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Smartphone/Tablet Bibles in Church
[Thom Rainer shared his thoughts on use of “devices”= ; in church. Interesting thoughts. Talk amongst yourselves.] I noticed several people in the church using their smartphones or tabl= ets, presumably as a digital Bible or a digital notetaker. For those I coul= d see from my vantage point,…
08/30/24 Grif.Net – Same Word, Different Syllable
A number of words are NOUNS when you emphasi= ze the FIRST syllable but become VERBS when you emphasize the SECOND syllab= le. No change in spelling, just accenting/emphasis. Interesting. How= was I 76 years old, a lover of words, and yet nobody ever taught me this? = Wait. I’m…
08/29/24 Grif.Net – Small Town
A pastor was walking through the new town to= which he was called to minister. He stopped on the sidewalk to ask a young= lad where the post office was. The boy poi= nted down the street. “Three blocks ahead, then left a block and you = can’t miss…
08/28/24 Grif.Net – Question Marks
What happened at the wedding of two nuclear = technicians? The bride wa= s radiant, and the groom was glowing Why di= d Shakespeare always write with a pen? Because pencils made him ask, &#= 8220;2B or not 2B?” Why do meteorolog= ists try to weigh a rainbow?…
08/27/24 Grif.Net – Report on My Summer Reading
I read a book about glue and couldn’t = seem to put it down. I read a book about c= locks since I figured it was about time. I = read a book about mazes and got lost in it. I read a book about anti-gravity but…
08/26/24 Grif.Net – First Day of School
A lad was going to his first day of school. He looked worried, = so his mom asked him, "What’s wrong?" Nervously, the kid asked, "How long do I have t= o go to school for?" "Well, yo= u’ll go until you’re 18", replied his mother. The boy nodded, obviously…
08/24/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Looking for Luxury
[94-year-old Clint Eastwood shared these tru= ths] “Do not look for luxury in watch= es or bracelets; do not look for luxury in forks or sails. Luxury is laughter and friends, luxury is rain on your face= , luxury is hugs and kisses. Don’t look for= luxury…
08/23/24 Grif.Net – Texts with Son Off to College
Dear Dad, $chool i$ really great. I am making lot$ of = friend$ this new $eme$ter, and $till $tudying very hard. With all my $tuff, I $imply can’t think of anythin= g I need. $o, if you’d like, ju$t $end me a card or a $hort text, a$ =…
08/22/24 Grif.Net – Burial (+ANSWERS to State Capital Quiz)
An elderly woman decided to prepare her will= and told her lawyer she had two final requests. First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, she wanted her ashes s= cattered over Wal-Mart. ‘Wal-Ma= rt?’ the lawyer exclaimed. ‘Why Wal-Mart?’ ‘Well, then I’ll be sure my…
08/21/24 Grif.Net – Good News Only
A woman phoned her husband at work. HIM: "I’m sorry, = dear, but I’m up to my neck in work right now and I can’t talk." HER: = "But I’ve got some good news and some bad news for you, honey." H= IM: "OK, darling, but since…