[Monthly Motivation on the first Saturday of each month include= s thoughts and quotations to encourage our blog readers for your journey ah= ead. In March 2025, we have some famous words of wisdom from Vince Lombardi= , Rick Warren, Aristotle, Billy Graham, and . . . Bob Griffin?] "The…
02/28/25 Grif.Net – Creation v Evolution
An inquisitive child asked his father, "How did people beg= in on earth?" His father pulled out a Bible and started: "In the = beginning God created Adam and then Eve. They made babies, then their babie= s became adults and made babies, and so on." The child nodded in…
02/27/25 Grif.Net – Correct Sentences
[These are all valid sentences. And all show how strange our la= nguage is. See if you can read them AND understand them.]= 1. All faith he h= ad had had had no effect on an outcome of his life. 2. English is weird, but it c= an be…
02/26/25 Grif.Net – Famous Poker Game (+ Answers to Acronym Quiz)
Did you know that the early explorers of the world were also di= ehard poker players?=A0 Rumors about their weekly poker games abound. Vasco= da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Leif Erikson, and Francisco Pizarro were re= gulars. But no matter what hand they were dealt, they could never seem to…
02/25/25 Grif.Net – Acronym Quiz
[We all LOVE acronyms, a type of acrostic, but often forget exa= ctly what the original words were that led to the acronym. Maybe words, may= be initials, maybe syllables. I’ve chosen 25 of my favorite acronyms;= listing the corresponding words, initials or sounds is now up to you! = ;…
02/24/25 Grif.Net – Scientific Observations
Q: What did the scientist say when he found 2 isotopes of heliu= m?A: "HeHe." = Q: Did you hear about the man who got cooled to absolu= te zero?A: He’s 0k. Q: What did the DNA say to the other DNA?A: &qu= ot;Do these genes make me look…
02/22/25 Weekend Grif.Net – Gratitude in the New Testament
Gratitude in the NEW TESTAMENT shifts from the narrative of nat= ional Israel to a personal dimension in the life and teachings of Jesus. Gr= atitude becomes a hallmark of discipleship, an enduring thankfulness that e= ndures regardless of life’s storms, reflecting Jesus’ own const= ant gratitude to the Father.…
02/21/25 Grif.Net – Teacher Shortage
A sweet young teacher was helping one of her kindergarten st= udents put his boots on and the student is not volunteering any information= =2E He asked for help and the teacher could see why. With her p= ulling and him pushing, the boots still didn’t want to go on.…
02/20/25 Grif.Net – Advertising Violins
Three violin manufacturers had all done business for years on t= he same block in the small town of Cremona, Italy. After years of peaceful = co-existence, they began to advertise their product. First, the Amati family deci= ded to put a sign in their shop window saying: “We…
02/19/25 Grif.Net – Think About It (+ Answers to Name That Disney Tune Quiz)
[Deep Thoughts to keep your minds functioning on a cold winter = day] ** It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because the= y always take things literally. ** People often accuse me of stealing other’= ;s jokes and being a plagiarist. Their words — not mine… **…
02/18/25 Grif.Net – Name That Disney Tune Quiz
[Last week’s quiz dealt with origins of famous quotations= , and we did NOT see a lot of stellar answers. So, thought Disney movie son= gs could evoke greater participation. Here are song titles and all we need = from you are the films in which each originated. Simple.] …
02/17/25 Grif.Net – Seen on Instagram
[Feels odd to list clever sayings on Facebook that I saw on Ins= tagram. Well, social media does =E2=80=9Cborrow=E2=80=9D from one to anothe= r to another . . . and I borrow from them all. 😊] > Some days I amaze= myself. Today is not one of those days.…
02/15/25 Weekend Grif.Net – Gratitude in the Old Testament
Gratitude in the Bible is a resounding theme, echoing from Gene= sis to Revelation. It’s not merely encouraged but exemplified as a wa= y of life, deeply rooted in the relationship between God and humanity. In t= he Old Testament, we find gratitude woven into the fabric of Israelite cult=…