
02/15/25 Weekend Grif.Net – Gratitude in the Old Testament

02/15/25 Weekend Grif.Net – Gratitude in the Old Testament

Gratitude in the Bible is a resounding theme, echoing from Gene=
sis to Revelation. It’s not merely encouraged but exemplified as a wa=
y of life, deeply rooted in the relationship between God and humanity. In t=
he Old Testament, we find gratitude woven into the fabric of Israelite cult=
ure, often expressed through psalms and sacrifices. It’s a communal c=
elebration, acknowledging God’s blessings and mercy, a cornerstone of=
their covenant relationship with the divine.


Gratitude, biblically speaking, is =
a transformative force. It’s an invitation to view life through a len=
s of thankfulness, a catalyst for love, generosity, and justice. As we embo=
dy this spirit, we are continually reminded of the abundance of God’s=
love and the interconnectedness of our lives.


Psalm 107:1

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures f=

(This verse encapsulates the =
eternal goodness of God and the enduring nature of love, prompting a respon=
se of gratitude that echoes through eternity.)


Psalm 95:2-3


“Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him wit=
h music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all g=

(A vibrant expression of gratitu=
de through worship, this verse invites us to celebrate the divine with joyf=
ul acclamation, using the universal language of music and song.)=


Daniel 2:23=

“I thank and praise you, God of my ancesto=
rs: You have given me wisdom and power, you have made known to me what we a=
sked of you, you have made known to us the dream of the king.”

(In this verse, Daniel expresses his gratitude not=
for material blessings, but for the intangible gifts of wisdom and revelat=
ion. It’s a profound acknowledgment that the gifts of understanding a=
nd enlightenment are as worthy of gratitude as physical abundance.)


Leviticus 22:=

“When you sacrifice a thank offerin=
g to the Lord, sacrifice it in such a way that it will be accepted on your =

(This verse underscores the i=
ntentionality behind acts of gratitude. It’s a call to give with a he=
art that is sincere, ensuring that our offerings of thanks are more than ri=
tual—they are reflective of a genuine spirit of appreciation.)


Jeremiah 30:=

“From them will come songs of thank=
sgiving and the sound of rejoicing. I will add to their numbers, and they w=
ill not be decreased; I will bring them honor, and they will not be disdain=

(Here, gratitude is intertwined w=
ith hope and promise. It’s a prophetic assurance that gratitude leads=
to more than just momentary joy—it brings about increase, honor, and=
a lasting legacy.)


These verses, rich in wisdom, invite us to reflect on the p=
rofound simplicity of gratitude. They challenge us to cultivate a spirit of=
thankfulness in all seasons of life, recognizing that gratitude is not onl=
y a response to what we have but also a state of heart that shapes our inte=
raction with the world.


How might our days change if we carried these verses with=
us as a continual reminder to live with an attitude of gratitude?



Dr. Bob Griffin
“Abhoring all my sin, adoring =
only Him”

[email protected] ww=