
01/23/25 Grif.Net -How’s That Again?

01/23/25 Grif.Net -How’s That Again?

My daughter and I were proud of our family lineage. She trac=
ed it back in one line to two generations before Charlemagne in France. Ano=
ther line was among the early immigrants to America, fleeing the English Ci=
vil War in the 1640’s. Our ancestors included soldiers, settlers, sen=
ators, scholars, secretaries, and stockbrokers.


We decided to compile a fam=
ily history, a legacy for coming generations. Sadly, we had a problem with =
two ‘black sheep’ of the family — George, who was executed in =
the electric chair for murder and Sam, who was hanged for rustling cattle i=
n Wyoming.


She assured me that she could handle their short biographies tac=


Later, when I looked at her ideas, I was pleased to read that old S=
am died "taking part in a public function when the platform suddenly g=
ave way."


And as for great-uncle George, he "occupied a chair of =
applied electronics at an important government institution, was attached to=
his position by the strongest of ties, and his death came as a great shock=



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"