[10 fun jokes for kids; 2 tougher ones for adults. Go ahead; pl=
ay with your food.]
Q: When potatoes have babies, what are they called?
A: T=
ater Tots
Q: What is a cheerleader’s favorite drink?
A: Root beer
Q: What are twins favorite fruit?
A: Pears
Q: How do you get a mouse to smile?
A: Say cheese
Q: What do y=
ou call a stolen Hershey Bar?
A: Hot chocolate
Q: What is a math teacher’=
;s favorite dessert?
A: Pi
Q: What vegetable=
s are hated by sailors?
A: Leeks
Q: Where does the=
Easter bunny eat breakfast?
Q: What is a history teacher’s favo=
rite fruit?
A: Dates
Q: What did the gingerbread m=
an put on his bed?
A: A cookie sheet
[tougher ones=
about food]
Q: When do you ‘go’ at red and ‘stop’ at gre=
A: When you’re eating watermelon
Q: What=
would happen if pigs could fly?
A: Bacon wo=
uld go up
Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]=
"Jesus Know=
s Me, This I Love!"