
12/28/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Bedtime Prayer for Adults

12/28/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Bedtime Prayer for Adults

We have taught little children some simple poems or songs at be=
dtime, to settle mind and body for the coming night. I personally repeat th=
e Jewish bedtime prayer I learned as a lad, “Father, into Thy hands I=
commend my spirit” (famous among Christians, too, as used by our Lor=
d Jesus as He dismissed His spirit on the cross).  Friends said their =
bedtime prayer began, “Now I lay me down to sleep . . .”  =

in 1676, during the reign of James II of England when true Christia=
n faith was attacked and restoration of Catholicism promoted, Bishop Thomas=
Ken stood against the king. This pastor/professor was imprisoned in the To=
wer of London to be tried for treason!  He wrote in his book of poetry=
a series of prayers.

This prayer was personal – it was HIS p=
rayer each night, facing the uncertainty of his own life as he went to slee=
p, not knowing his fate. I love it still today as I pillow my head with the=
natural uncertainty that old age brings, not knowing what (or if) the nigh=
t might bring.  The line, “teach me to live, that I may dread th=
e grave as lit­tle as my bed” speaks volumes to my heart. And we =
have loved the final verse of his praise, often added to the “Old Hun=
dreth” in the Scottish Psalter and as a “Doxology”, havin=
g sung that with family for decades.

All praise to Thee, my God, th=
is night,
For all the bless­ings of the light!
Keep me, O keep me=
, King of kings,
Beneath Thine own al­migh­ty wings.


Forgive me, Lord,=
for Thy dear Son,
The ill that I this day have done,
That with the w=
orld, my­self, and Thee,
I, ere I sleep, at peace may be.=


Teach me to live=
, that I may dread
The grave as lit­tle as my bed.
Teach me to di=
e, that so I may
Rise glo­ri­ous at the judg­ment day.


O may my so=
ul on Thee re­pose,
And with sweet sleep mine eye­lids close,Sleep that may me more vi­gor­ous make
To serve my God when I a=


When in the night I sleep­less lie,
My soul with heav’n­=
ly thoughts sup­ply.
Let no ill dreams dis­turb my rest,
No p=
ow’rs of dark­ness me mo­lest.


O when shall I, in end­less day=
Forever chase dark sleep away,
And hymns di­vine with an­ge=
ls sing,
All praise to Thee, eter­nal King?


Praise God, from Whom all bles=
s­ings flow;
Praise Him, all crea­tures here be­low;
se Him above, ye heav­en­ly host;
Praise Fa­ther, Son, and H=
o­ly Ghost.

In 2025, I am going to pray this every night as I pi=
llow my head, one day closer to heaven.


Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows=
Me, This I Love!"