
10/14/24 Grif.Net – So Bad, I’m Still Laughing

10/14/24 Grif.Net – So Bad, I’m Still Laughing

[Reading some puns and word-play on-line, and still smiling at =
how smart some folks are compared to my addled brain.  Examples? =
As grandma in Minnesota always said, “Youbetcha”. Here are few=


*I have a prosthetic toe made from breath mints. I call it my Tic-Tac-Toe.


**I ju=
st want to make myself clear.  If I had to choose one super-power, I w=
ould want invisibility.


**I work at a car rental office and an old witch said she=
didn’t want a vehicle with automatic transmission. She preferred a s=


**I grilled a chicken for a full hour Sadly, she still wouldn’t tel=
l me why she crossed the road.


**I found that just one letter makes the differenc=
e between here and there.


**I traded five pounds of real Wisconsin cheese for an =
autographed photo of the Green Bay Packer team. Figured a picture is worth =
a thousand curds.


**I saw a universal remote on sale for $20 and I thought, &#822=
0;Wow! This changes everything”.


**I’ve got some racing geese for sal=
e. Let me know if you want to take a quick gander.


**I was so upset that I couldn=
’t find my scissors to clip coupons for the store that I was reduced =
to tears.


Facebook has taught me two important truths:

(1) There are some incredibly brilliant people in the world

(2) They are vastly outnumbered




Dr Bob Grif=

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"
