
09/13/24 Grif.Net – Friday the 13th (+Answers to Famous Sentences Quiz)

09/13/24 Grif.Net – Friday the 13th (+Answers to Famous Sentences Quiz)

What day is worse than Friday the 13th?

Monday the whatever.


What do you call someone in a Hollywood h=
orror movie who wakes up on Saturday the 14th?


Why do fish hate Friday the 13th?

Actually, they hate every fry day.


Why did the old m=
an wake up on Friday the 13th and decide that nothing bad could =
happen to him all day?

Because he was alrea=
dy married.


[I disagree with that old man. The calendar for 2024 is the same as 1=
968, so fun to relive events tied to that year of our courtship. Teresa and=
I had been at the same college in Minnesota, in choirs and programs, but N=
OT friends. Unknown to one another, we joined about 100 students transferri=
ng to be part of the founding of a new Baptist University in Wisconsin. We =
both were upperclassmen and assigned by the President’s wife to welco=
me new families, give tours, and be “host and hostess”. We soon=
got to know each other (and dislike each other) and it impacted our duties=
=2E On Friday the 13th of September 1968, a new snack area opene=
d for students, and we agreed to go there and “talk through” ou=
r issues. I bought her a dish of New York Cherry ice cream, and we sat and =

She asked my forgiveness for her cutting words/attitude tha=
t had developed over the two weeks working 10-hour days together. I accepte=
d.  She asked if I had anything to confess to her about my conduct or =
words. I looked her in the eyes and said, “No, I’m good.”=
  She angrily stood, took her now-melted ice cream, and dumped it in m=
y lap and left. I was smitten. Here was the type of woman of character and =
conviction (to say nothing of beauty and talent) I had sought, since I woul=
d be entering seminary and thus the pastorate. Obviously, things did work o=
ut for us that fall, and by Friday the 13th of December, we gain=
ed permission to become engaged. Friday the 13th is always a spe=
cial day for us!]


1. “Isn’t it nice to think that tomor=
row is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”

L. M. Montgomery=
, Anne of Green Gables


2. “Nowadays=
people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.”

Oscar Wilde,=
The Picture of Dorian Grey=


3. “=
From that time on, the world was hers for the reading. She would never be l=
onely again, never miss the lack of intimate friends. Books became her frie=
nds and there was one for every mood.”

Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


4. “Time is the longest distan=
ce between two places.”

Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie


5. “My advice is, never do tomorrow=
what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.”

Charles D=
, David Copperfield


6. “The same substance composes us — the tr=
ee overhead, the stone beneath us, the bird, the beast, the star — we=
are all one, all moving to the same end.”

P.L. Travers, Mary Poppins


7. “Do I love you? My God, if your love w=
ere a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.”=

William Goldm=
, The Princess Bride


8. “Time move=
s slowly but passes quickly.”

Alice Walker, The Color Purple


9. “Love is the longing for the half of ourselves we =
have lost.”

Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being


10. “All human wisdom is summed up i=
n these two words – ‘Wait’ and ‘Hope’.”=

exandre Dumas
, The=
Count of Monte Cristo


11. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untol=
d story inside you.”

Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings



12. “Anything worth d=
ying for is certainly worth living for.”

Joseph Heller, Catch-22


13. “Get busy living or get busy =

Stephen King, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption


14. “All we can know is that =
we know nothing. And that’s the height of human wisdom.”

Leo Tolstoy, =
War and =


15. “By the shores of Gitchee Gumee, by the shining Big Sea water, =
stood the wigwam of Nokomis.”

Henry Lo=
ngfellow, Song of Hiawatha



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows=
Me, This I Love!"