
08/14/24 Grif.Net – Ireland

08/14/24 Grif.Net – Ireland

A friend traveled to Ireland for the first t=
ime. His flight to Dublin arrived in the morning, and he traveled into the =
countryside to stay for a few days. He visited the Blarney Stone, fed some =
animals at a farm, walked lush green meadows, and even got to experience a =
rainstorm with a beautiful rainbow at the end.


After his countryside excursion, he headed back to Dublin, refreshed, =
to catch his return flight home. In the airport, he noticed a man with heav=
ily wrapped, leprosy-ridden arms panhandling. Then the leper stood up and w=
alked toward a restroom. 


Curious, the=
traveler followed. What he saw was disturbing. The “leper”, as=
it turned out, was healthy and using a costume to mimic the symptoms and g=
ain money.


Shocked, the traveler exited the=
restroom and boarded his plane. While he went to Ireland expecting natural=
beauty, shamrocks, rainbows, and history, he didn’t expect to see a =
leper con.


[ANSWERS to 08/13 Quiz will be t=
omorrow to give more time for response]



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"=