
08/06/24 Grif.Net – A “Little” Quiz

08/06/24 Grif.Net – A “Little” Quiz

For children of all ages, we have books and stories, nursery rh=
ymes and novels that ALL begin with “Little”.  We will giv=
e a key word(s) clues and all you must do is fill in the right title to fol=
low “little”.  Easy-peasy fun for the whole family.


1. Wagging t=
ails =3D Little ____-____


2. I think I can =3D The Little _____ _____ _____


3. You snoo=
ze, you lose =3D Little _____ _____


4. The sisters March =3D Little _____


5. Sea foam =
=3D The Little _____


6. Plum boy =3D Little _____ _____


7. Melted tigers in India =3D =
Little _____ _____


8. Sporty dreamer =3D The Little _____ _____=


9. Curds and whey =3D =
Little _____ _____


10. Grandma’s eyes =3D Little _____ _____ _____


11. Perseveran=
ce and friendship =3D The Little _____


12. Reap what we sow =3D Little _____ ____=


13. =
Pa and Half pint =3D Little _____ _____ _____ _____


14. Royal compassion =3D Litt=
le _____ _____


15. Charity and poverty =3D The Little _____ _____


16. Essential is invi=
sible =3D The Little _____


17. Debtors’ prison =3D Little _____


18. Every feeling=
about life =3D Little _____


19. Education starts at home =3D Little _____


20. Quick-wi=
tted outsmarting boys =3D Little _____



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

esus Knows Me, This I Love!"