
08/02/24 Grif.Net – Confession of Camp Counselors

08/02/24 Grif.Net – Confession of Camp Counselors

[We often hear stories about summer camp from perspective of th=
e campers. What about the counselors? What are they thinking?]


The counselor aske=
d, “How many times did I tell you to make your bed?”
A camp=
er said he couldn’t answer; “I didn’t know. Nobody to=
ld me I was supposed to keep count.”


“I can’t find my dollar bill,&=
#8221; Jane sobbed.
“Don’t worry,” her counselor =
said. “A dollar doesn’t go very far today.”


“As a music teacher=
, I work as a counselor at summer camp to keep in tune with nature


Lunch was just over, and a camper was abou=
t to jump into the lake. His counselor warned, “It’s dangerous to swi=
m on a full stomach.”
But the lad replied, “Don’t wor=
ry. I’ll just do the backstroke.”


The counselor looked Jake in the eye and =
asked why he put a snake in the counselor’s bunk.
Jake finally ad=
mitted, “Well, I just couldn’t find a frog.”


At the leader&#821=
7;s table at camp, a counselor complained that there was a leak over his bu=

The counselor in the next cabin said, &=
#8220;Don’t complain. It will only leak when it rains.”


Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, =
This I Love!"