
07/24/24 Grif.Net – 3 Wishes (+ Answers to Contranym Quiz)

07/24/24 Grif.Net – 3 Wishes (+ Answers to Contranym Quiz)

Three friends stranded on a deserted island find a magic lamp. =
Inside it is a genie who agrees to grant three wishes, one wish to each fri=

“I want to go home,” sa=
ys the first friend. The genie grants her wish.

“I want to go home, too,” says the second friend. And t=
he genie sends him back home.

8217;m lonely,” says the third friend. “I sure wish my friends =
were back here."



Example: To fail to see something o=
r carefully see something =3D OVERLOOK


1. =
To secure or to run away =3D BOLT


2. To adh=
ere or to separate =3D CLEAVE


3. Remained o=
r departed =3D LEFT


4. To withstand or to=
erode =3D WEATHER


5. Defense of an action =
or contrition for an action =3D APOLOGY


6. =
To approve or to boycott =3D SANCTION


7. =
Heading for a destination or restrained from movement =3D BOUND


8. To add fine particles or to remove fine particles =


9. A person of nobility or a pers=
on of equality =3D PEER


10. Quick or stuc=
k or even more stable =3D FAST


11. To retre=
at or to stay in support  =3D BACK UP


12. The best quality or just satisfactory =3D FINE


13. Something new and fresh or something old =3D ORIGINAL


14. Lease it to others or lease it to yourself =3D =


15. Trembling terror or peaceful awe =



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]=

"Jesus Know=
s Me, This I Love!"


