CONTRONYMS are two (or more) words that have=
the SAME SPELLING but have not just different meanings, but TOTALLY OPPOSI=
TE or CONTRADICTORY MEANINGS. They are their own “opposites”, o=
ne contradicting the other.These are also antonyms and rare, so see if thes=
e contradicting definitions make you think of the same word!
Example: To fail to see something or carefully see someth=
1. To secure or to run awa=
y =3D
2. To adhere or to separate =3D
3. Remained or departed =3D
4. To withstand or to erode =3D
5. Defence of an action or contrition for an action =3D
6. To approve or to boycott =3D
7. Heading for a destination or restrained from movement =3D
8. To add fine particles or to remove fine pa=
rticles =3D
9. A person of nobility or a p=
erson of equality =3D
10. Quick or stuck o=
r even more stable =3D
11. To retreat or=
to stay in support =3D
12. The best=
quality or just satisfactory =3D
13. Some=
thing new and fresh or something old =3D
4. Lease it to others or lease it to yourself =3D
15. Tembling terror or peaceful awe =3D
Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"=