
07/12/24 Grif.Net – Status Updates

07/12/24 Grif.Net – Status Updates

[Status updates from my social media friends who have a funnier=
sense of humor than I do.]


Glenda G. proclaimed, “No bones about it. It&#8=
217;s going tibia great day.”


Wayne I. reminded, “I have concluded th=
at the best part of old age is that it doesn’t last very long.”=


lle S. asked, “I understand being a responsible adult. But every day?=
Every day? That seems a little excessive.”


Sean H. thought after the recen=
t debate, “This was a night the President will want to forget and pro=
bably already has.”


Laurie L. mentioned, “I put the thingamabob insid=
e the whatchamacallit, turned the doohickey and the wuteveritis still doesn=
’t work. Any ideas?”


Ronald R. pondered, “On this date in 2020 =
I couldn’t find toilet paper. Today I can’t afford it.”


Mary S.=
shared, “The school phoned me today and said, ‘Your son’=
s been telling lies.’  I replied, ‘Tell him he’s ver=
y good at it, as I don’t have any children.”


Pastor Scot C. posted =
a cartoon: “Recently, I’ve had complaints that my sermons were =
too intellectual. On an unrelated note, the following adults are invited to=
come up for the children’s sermon . . .”



Beth S. recalled, “Go=
t up at 5 a.m., ran 4 miles and back, made a vegetable smoothie for breakfa=
st, did 2 loads of laundry, mopped and vacuumed the floors, and that’=
s all I remember about my dream.”


Coffee aficionado Paul O. asked what the =
depressed coffee pot said? “Pour me, pour me.”


Beverly A. said, &#822=
0;Lately, I’ve been watching my weight.  It’s still there.=


Terry D. discerned, “I think I’m approachi=
ng my ‘Best if used by’ date.”



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]=

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"