
06/29/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Help Yourself Stop Worrying

06/29/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Help Yourself Stop Worrying

[From the book by P. I. Tilley, LMHC. Use these quotes when wor=
ry knocks at your door.  Also use it to comfort others, as helping oth=
ers is also a mood booster.]


"That the birds of worry and care fly over your=
head cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can p=
revent!"  (Chinese Proverb)


"Stop being afraid of what could go wr=
ong, and start being excited about what could go right."  (Tony R=


"Worry is like a rocking chair.  It gives you something to do b=
ut gets you nowhere."  (Erma Bombeck)


"Worry is worshiping the pro=
blem."  (Toby Mac)


"Worry is thinking that has turned toxic."=
  (Harold Walker)


"The key to longevity is to avoid worry, stress and t=
ension."  (George Burns, 100 years old)


"I have held many things i=
n my hands, and I have lost them all.  But whatever I placed in God’s =
hands, I still possess."  (Corrie ten Boom)



"There isn’t enough ro=
om in your mind for both worry and faith.  YOU must decide which one w=
ill live there."  (


This delightful story also has a m=
essage.  It is paraphrased, and the author is unknown.


"A man was on a =
long flight, when the message came on to fasten the seatbelts, as turbulenc=
e was ahead.  Passengers began to look apprehensive as the approaching=
storm suddenly broke.  There were cracks of thunder and lightning dan=
cing across the dark sky. 


The man looked around the plane and saw nearly a=
ll the passengers were fearful except for one little girl.  The plane =
lurched this way and that, but the little girl remained calm.  When th=
e plane safely landed, the man asked the child, "How ever did you mana=
ge not to feel afraid?" 


She replied, "Cause my Daddy is the pilo=
t, and he’s taking me Home!"


Our Heavenly Father is our Pilot and He will br=
ing us safely Home. "Peace I leave with you.  My peace I giv=
e to you, not as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled,=
and do not be afraid."  (Jesus Christ, John 14:27)



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"