
06/17/24 Grif.Net – Status Updates

06/17/24 Grif.Net – Status Updates

Linda A. advised, “If you live in Texa=
s, remember to drink lots of water and stay indoors between 11:00 am and No=
vember 1st.


Mike B. shared, &#82=
20;Hamburger Helper will only work if the hamburger really wants to be help=


Arlene S. admitted, “I nev=
er run with scissors.  The last two words were unnessary.” =


Dale S. reminded, “God gave us mouths tha=
t close and ears that don’t – that should tell us something.&#8=


Sue W. decided, “I wasn’t =
originally going to get a brain transplant, but then I changed my mind.&#82=


George B. lamented, “Not saying =
I’m old, but when I was a boy, the Dead Sea was only sick.”



Patricia B. said, “I’m getting str=
ong with age.  I can now lift $100 of groceries with one hand!”


Don F. stated, “I lived within a ston=
e’s throw of a family that all died from mysterious head injuries.&#8=


Esther G.boasted, “I got called =
‘pretty’ today! Well, acutally the full statement was ‘yo=
u’re pretty annoying’, but I only focus on positive things.&#82=


John K.admonnished, “I always sta=
rt my day with a cup of fruit juice, made from coffee berries.”


Marlene S. announced, “I’ve reached =
the age where I appreciate a nice handrail.”


Wayne I. warned, “I have found as I get older, the earlier it=
gets late.”


Danielle S. related, &#8=
220;People are scared to say stuff but I’m not. Maybe that’s wh=
y I only have 3 friends.”



Dr Bob Griffin =

[email protected]=

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"