
05/16/24 Grif.Net – God is Watching

05/16/24 Grif.Net – God is Watching

Between Sunday School and Morning Worship at our church, the el=
der’s wife would put out “snacks” for the children (while=
the adults sought out the coffee urn in hopes of staying awake for the pre=
aching).  Each child was to take an orange and a cookie.


A little girl took =
two oranges, and lied about it when she was confronted. “We don&#8217=
;t lie, because God is watching”, she was told.



The young lady meekly went =
back to the table and returned the two oranges. She moved down the snack ta=
ble and took two cookies instead. Again, she was caught, and again she lied=
about taking the cookies.


When asked why she had lied again, she said that, &#82=
20;I thought God was only watching the oranges.”



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"
