
05/09/24 Grif.Net – Chicken Chatter

05/09/24 Grif.Net – Chicken Chatter

[You may use this as a QUIZ with family around the table, =
talking about the meaning of our “favorite sayings about chickens&#82=
21; and what we learn from those birds.  Call it “Chicken Chatte=
r”. I’ll start.]


Grandma is no spring chicken.


If I men=
tion that, she’ll be madder than a wet hen.


She thinks she rules =
the roost.



I’m always walking on eggshells around her.=


I sure=
don’t want to ruffle any feathers.


Don’t count your chicke=
ns before they hatch.


All our kids have flown the coop.


put all your eggs in one basket.


She’s running around like a chi=
cken with its head cut off.


I like to get up with the chickens.


nds like a cock-and-bull story to me.


This dilemma is a chicken and egg=


Remember, your chickens will come home to roost.=


7;ve been feeling really cooped up all winter.


Hey, don’t be chi=
cken. IF you have more to add, comments, stories, or other lines, just jump=
on in. This is just a work in progress.



Dr Bob Gr=

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"

Vi= =