
01/12/24 Grif.Net – Build a Snowman

01/12/24 Grif.Net – Build a Snowman

[Here are a dozen snowman jokes. Ration them out – one in=
a school lunch, one at the dinner table, one with a bed-time kiss, and wat=
ch the kiddo’s smile]

1. What is a snowman’s favorite sn=

Ice Krispies treats.


2. Where do snowmen pu=
t their money?



3. What breakfast cere=
al do snowmen love to eat?

Frosted Flakes!


4. What=
do snowmen call their kids?



5. What d=
id the snowman say to his car on an icy road?

“Want to go for a spin?”


6. How do you decorate a snowman’s c=

Lots of icing.


7. What do you call it when a =
snowman throws a temper tantrum?

A meltdown.=


8. Wh=
ere do snowmen love to dance?

At a snow ball=


What’s a snowman’s favorite drink?

Iced tea.


10. What did Jack Frost say to the Snowman?

“Have an ice day!”


11. What do you call a snowman in summer?

A puddle.


12. How do you make up a snowman’s=

Fresh sheets of ice and a thick blan=
ket of snow.



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Lo=