
01/01/24 Grif.Net – Words at Play

01/01/24 Grif.Net – Words at Play

[Each month we start with bad puns, bad wordplays, bad jokes, a=
nd bad luck.  Here is #1 for the New Year. You will want to wash your =
eyes after reading.]


NASA is sending a new mission to say ‘sorry’ to=
any UFO’s or aliens out in space we have offended.  They’=
re calling it Apollo G.


What do you get when you pick a pig’s nose?  H=
am boogers.  I know, snot funny.


Doctor says my body has run out of magnesiu=
m.  0mg.


Shortest tongue-twister?  Say “Irish wristwatch” f=
ast three times.


I rented a limousine for $300 but later realized no driver was i=
ncluded in the rental. I’d spent all that money with nothing to chauf=
fer it.


It’s my first week working at the bicycle factory and they already=
made me a spokesperson.


I thought swimming with dolphins was expensive until I w=
ent swimming with sharks. Wow. That cost me an arm and a leg.


If horses have lowe=
r divorce rates, it’s because they are in stable relationships.


After her c=
hildren moved out, the old lady who lived in a shoe moved into a flat.=



Dr Bob Griffi=

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"
