[Yesterday morning the wife asked if I’d had a nutritious=
breakfast before leaving the house to see the doctor. As I walked out, I m=
umbled “oatmeal” and she smiled. That she didn’t pursue t=
he matter made me smile because it would have been hard to justify “c=
offee and a Little Debbie oatmeal pie” as anything akin to “nut=
ritious”. But got me thinkin’ about these tasty snacks. The res=
ult is a fun quiz that I’m sure will make your mouth water. NO GOOGLE=
, please.]
1. What Little Debbie snack cake went to outer space with the space sh=
uttle Atlantis in 1991
2. Little Deb=
bie cakes have always been popular (in 1965, a vinyl record with what was c=
alled the Little Debbie song sung by the Children’s Chorus with Orchestra).=
Part of it was value. So, what was the original cost of a snack cake?.
3. After =
O.D. McKee visited a European trade show and noticed a dessert called ̶=
0;roulade” was popular, he decided to create a miniature version.
4. Who i=
s pictured on the Little Debbie snack cake boxes?
5. What are the sugar-sprinkled=
Jelly Rolls now called?
6. Little Debbie introduced its Moon Crunch snack cakes =
in celebration of the 1969 moon landing, but the name was changed a few yea=
rs later to this.
7. What world-famous title was given to these popular snack cak=
es in 1982?
8. The iconic Christmas Tree Cakes debuted in 1985, but 27 years late=
r have a layered, scalloped shape. What did they look like originally?=
9. What cl=
assic film saw the first Little Debbie product featured in a 1980’s H=
ollywood movie?
10. In 1999, bowling alleys started a fad shutting off regular li=
ghts and using black lights and lasers. This gave inspiration for what snac=
k treat?
11. How large was the world’s biggest Oatmeal Creme Pie served at =
the Riverbend Festival in Chattanooga?
12. What was the FIRST snack creation from=
baker O.D. McKee that debuted 90 years ago during the Great Depression?
13. This=
popular fan favorite’s delicate pink box is often not even seen on U=
S store shelves, but wide-selling in China, Mexico, and Canada.
14. As if best-se=
lling Oatmeal Cr=E8me Pies were not enough, employee Cliff Dildy invented t=
hese “pies” to a new level, adding different filling and a wave=
of icing for am unparalleled taste in the market.
15. Don’t forget that Li=
ttle Debbie has piled goodies on the breakfast table. In addition to a vari=
ety of muffins and donuts, these soft, golden pastries make an ooey gooey t=
reat with a morning cup of joe.
16. In 1968 the first seasonal snack became a qui=
ck fan favorite for Christmastime. Nothing says “Merry Christmas̶=
1; quite like twinkling lights, carols, and these!
17. In 1960 as a bargain over =
buying individual cellophane-wrapped cakes, McKee Baking Company pioneered =
the “family pack,” a family sized carton of 12 or more individu=
ally wrapped cakes. What was the discount price for the new 12-count family=
pack carton?
18. What US state is home to Little Debbie snacks?
19. The top-selling 3 Little Debbie varieties have now p=
assed 200 million cartons annually and include the hallmark Oatmeal Creme P=
ies and what two other treats?
20. Zebra cakes weren’t always called “zebra=
” cakes. And there would never have been Zebra rolls or Zebra Mini-Do=
nuts without this name change. This treat was simply called what?
Bonus: In 2022,=
what was introduced as the mascot of the popular expanding Zebra line of s=
nack cakes?
Dr Bob Griffin
bob@grif.net www.grif.net
"Jesus Knows Me, This I Lo=