
07/11/23 Grif.Net – Questions a Dad Might Ask (+ Dad Joke Quiz Answers)

07/11/23 Grif.Net – Questions a Dad Might Ask (+ Dad Joke Quiz Answers)

[Questions a Dad Might Ask]

>>Do cannibals like to=
meat people?


>>If two vegetarians are arguing, do they have a beef with ea=
ch other?


>>Is turning vegan a big missed steak?


>>Do butchers link sausage=
s to make ends meat?


>>If a pea rolls off a plate on to the table, is it c=
onsidered an esca-pea?


>>Is it still a candy cane if it’s not in mint=


>>If someone steals your coffee, have you been mugged?





1. What do you cal=
l a cheese that isn’t yours?

Nacho Che=


What does a bee use to brush its hair?



3. How does the ocean greet the beach?

It =


4. When is the best time to go to the dentist?


5. What do you ca=
ll it when a snowman throws a tantrum?

A Mel=


6. Why do dads take extra socks when they play a round of golf?

They might get a hole in one


7. What do baby ears of corn c=
all their fathers?

Pop Corn


8. Where do boats go w=
hen they get seasick?

To the Dock=


9. Why couldn&#8=
217;t the bicycle stand up by itself?

It was=
two tired


10. What sort of shoes do ninjas wear?



11. Where do you learn how to make banana splits?

In Sundae School


12. I asked my dog what two minus two was. What was h=
is answer?

He said nothing=


13. Where do little sa=
plings go to learn?

Elemen-tree school


14. What =
do you call a cut-down tree that can’t answer dad questions?



15. What do you call a very poor Santa Claus?
t Nickel-less


16. What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?




17. What to you call a manufacturer that makes products=
that are just okay?

A satis-factory


18. What do =
you call a belt that a watchmaker makes out of watches?

A waist of time


19. If a child refuses to take a nap, what is he guil=
ty of?

Resisting arrest


20. What do a tick and the=
Eiffel Tower have in common?

Both are Paris=


21. What happens to the crew if a ship carrying red paint collides with a=
ship carrying blue paint?

They are marooned=


22. =
Why should you never date a tennis player?
Love means nothing to them


23. How =
do celebrities stay cool?

They have so many =


4. What do you call a man who tells Dad Jokes but actually doesn’t ha=
ve any children?

A faux pa=


25. Why are Dad Jokes =
about elevators classic and well-liked by all?
They work on many levels



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This =
I Love!"